----- Original Message -----
From: BoardCommunications@wellsfargo.com
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: RE: accounts for illegal aliens

(REMOVED FOR PRIVACY by William), thank you for your correspondence. We are getting several emails such as this and we want to assure you that we are not opening accounts for anyone who does not have a social security number. I would advise you to check on the internet under "Urban Legends" and how popular they are. People hear a rumor via email and send it to 10 people who send it to 10 people. Next thing you know, everyone thinks the rumor is true because they read it in an email. Thank you for your concerns.

Frank Donahue, CPI
PI 14605
Executive Protection Supervisor
Wells Fargo and Company
420 Montgomery
San Francisco, CA 94104

From: (REMOVED FOR PRIVACY by William)
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 4:27 PM
Subject: accounts for illegal aliens

we have heard that you don't require social security numbers for accounts. we have been with you for many years and find this to be un-American, we are now moving our accounts to another bank which will be more American than you . its necessary to protect our jobs and our country. in the large scope of this what I have is very little, but more and more of us are going to do it. if these people are going to have these accounts then require proof of citizenship . you have been a good bank for us and we are sorry that you have taken this step with bank of America. sincerely (REMOVED FOR PRIVACY by William)

My response

Mr. (REMOVED FOR PRIVACY by William) and Mr. Donahue:

This is no internet urban legend I'm afraid. Wells Fargo is a notorious bank for their acceptance of the Matricula card which only illegal aliens need to do banking in the US. Also, Wells Fargo made a national announcement last week that they are considering joining Bank of America and Citibank in their issuance of credit cards to illegal aliens that have no Social Security numbers.

Wells Fargo is also giving corporate grants to racist pro-illegal alien groups like La Raza (The Race), LULAC, and MALDEF.

Our coalition of over 100 organizations stands ready to launch a national boycott against Wells Fargo the moment they join the credit cards for illegal aliens club.

You can find a survey of 500 banks we have listed that do and do not do business with illegal aliens like Wells Fargo does.

Mr. Donahue, please stop trying to confuse people by claiming that your banks dealings with illegal aliens is some kind of Internet hoax.

We are calling for Congress to pass legislation to close any loopholes banks are exploiting to assist illegal aliens and hope that there will be investigations and trials in the future similar to the Enron scandal.

William Gheen
Director, National Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition (NIIBC)
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878