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  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2007

    Don't forget the big one, CNBC the financial channel, owned by GE.
    This station went from being a 100% financial channel to a 1/3 business people talking and 2/3 political propoganda station in a matter of weeks. Politicians like Howard Dean, and other democratic hacks on day in and day out. They show Obama everyday speaking then they take the speech and spin it as ALL GOOD to the entire nation and the world.

    When all this government intervention first started, the CNBC senior economics reporter Steve leeaman and all the others were screaming and ranting with red faces that this government was instituting socialism into our private financial system. Everyone was mad as hell. Dillan Ratigan was heading up Fast Money everyday with vicious rants on the government and the banks screwing everyone over, and everyone follwed suite.

    Obama got in and then a few days later all the sudden everything out of Steve leasmans mouth was pro Obama, just like that he flipped.
    Then after about 3 weeks of Dillan Ratigan, Rick Santelli and others calling the bankers and the government criminals and the mob, all the sudden Dillian Ratigan disappears from the Fast Money Show. It was heard that he and Rick Santelli was Re-Indoctrinated by the Obama gang to either shut up, or get another job. Of course as stated CNBC is owned by GE, which took the bailout money which by the way was not even elegible because they aren't a bank, they were also never stress tested like the banks were, in other word the BRIBE was paid. And within a few days it went from anti Obama and Anti Government sentiment about the policies they were inecting to rosey and praise worthy projections and talk of the scenerio that government intervention could not have been avoided which can never be proven. To say that it couldn't be avoided is just like everything else Wall Street does, rig financial markets and then speculate.

    Back in March, the government invested $5trillion dollars into the stock market, this is why the market has gone virtually straight up since then.

    So I have seen it with my own eyes how CNBC has been BRIBED by the government to spread the not so bad news and turn it into awesome news and most of the talking heads seem to have much praise for Obama.

    Think about this... The stimulas money that hasn't been spent is BRIBE MONEY. That can be the only reason not to spend it right now as we are in very bad need of jobs and that is what it was earmarked for, either use it now or pay the money back to the general fund to ease the defecit.

    With hundreds ogf billions laying around to be used for whatever, it is clear Obama will use it to bribe anyone that stands inthe way of the Healthcare Bill, Cap & Trade and Amnesty, that is why the moeny isn't going out, and the money that has went out already can be called BRIBE MONEY as the strings attached to the conditions of getting that money include hiring Minorities and Illegals over white people, even though the whites are more qualified. And in some cases I've been told here in The Drug Manufacturing capitol of the world, that the new minority hires do not have to have the same educational degree's or certifications that whites are demanded to have in order to get hired. It is stated in the stimulas bill that these companies preference they're hiring to minorities first. This is crooked and racist. That is why the stimulas money isn't spent yet like it was stated when it was put into tlaw. We don't need the cash laying around for the mob, we need it used the way it was intended or paid back so it can't be mis used.

    I thought Obama wanted to end the Bubble Cycle, isn't the stock market making another bubble? Winners and losers, that is life, it should come from free markets, not governments.
    Unless we get those criminals & make them pay for what they have done to our country and the lawlessness they have sponsored, we are just another Mexico ourselves!

  2. #32
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Chexfive wrote:
    Think about this... The stimulas money that hasn't been spent is BRIBE MONEY
    Your theory makes perfect sense. And thanks for mentioning CNBC... I completely forgot about them.

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