I just wanted to take the time to thank William for creating this website and thank all you wonderful patriots for being here. I first came here because I saw disturbing immigration trends and here in Silicon Valley we get hit by both sides - H1B "pipelines" that squeeze out talented Americans and unskilled illegals that take the majority of restaurant and landscaping positions. I couldn't get home on May 1st for 3 years in a row because the whole downtown was blocked off for the rallies - a veritable sea of Mexican flags and angry chanting. More importantly though, I found a great group of patriots who would surely lend a generous hand to someone in need but feel betrayed by how our country is a laughing-stock to those who would only come here for the money. We have so much to be proud of! I love seeing people from all over the world who come here to help carry the torch of freedom and opportunity. I feel very lucky to have been born here, especially when I come on this site and find so much information about my own country. Your hard work is paying off and people are becoming educated about matters which would have remained an invisible force without you. I tell everyone about this site! Even telemarketers! ha ha hey you call me on the phone and this is what you get. Thank you for giving me hope. I never called, faxed or emailed my reps (before last year) because I thought it was hopeless. I was wrong, and now I put the effort in when I can. Our voices are amplified when we focus together - united we stand. Thanks once again.
Okay - back to checking out who to bug next.