ALIPAC Supporters!

I will be quoted on THV TV Out of Little Rock Arkansas tonight on the 10pm (Central) News.

First you should read about what the globalist Governor is doing now. ... ON=STATE&T

During the interview I said that Governor Huckabee is known nationally as an illegal aliens best friend. The reporter said Really? And I said yes, his support of illegal immigration is widely known. So many politicians are out of touch with public attitudes on this issue.

I also said the AK was lucky to have a raid that rounded up 119 illegal alien workers and that people all over America were calling for help from ICE reporting illegal aliens, illegal labor, and illegal alien gangs and getting NO RESPONSE from ICE.

The reporter appeared to be shocked when I told him that very little interior enforcement was happening but ICE was working to get all of the illegal aliens rounded up that are working in our nuclear power plants and military facilities. He said "Wow" after a short pause.

I'm not sure how much of our 7 minute interview will run, but hopefully we will have an online copy of the story. Anyone on the boards in the Little Rock Broadcast range???