Only way we can solve this problem in the long run is to Amend the Constitution.

Unfortunately, These useless career politicians from the Senate is falling on deaf ears.

We need some political action committee who's going to draft a new Amendment to the Constitution:

I. Denying citizenship to Illegals and their "anchor babies." So, No Illegals can ever become Citizen in our Country, nor their anchor babies.

II. No Illegals can gain acess to our welfare system, to bypass these lunitic liberal federal judges who believe these Illegals have a God given rights in our Country.

III. All U.S. Citizen must prove their Citizenship when they register to vote in our Country.

Also, we need to adopt Mexican System of Immigation Laws which makes our's look like a joke in comparison.

IV. Term limit all Senators to no more that 2 terms, so as to deny these degenerates from stinking up our Capital. No more career politicians!

V. No more benefits to career politicians. Serving this Country is a duty not a right.

VI. That Citizens of all States have a right to recall any political body that does NOT serve the will of the people.

We have to start now!!