November 29, 2013 By Brian Kelly

American Elites & Amnesty

“American Elites & Amnesty” is chapter 17 of No Amnesty! No Way!, a newly-released book by Brian W. Kelly. Purchase a copy here.

The views represented are the author’s own.

Have RINOs talked Americans out of deportation?

Besides President Obama, who suggests erroneously that the cost to Americans to deport illegal aliens is unaffordable, there are many other progressives and RINOS who feel exactly the same way. Surely, you are not surprised! Look no further than Marco Rubio, John McCain and the rest of the gang of eight tyrants. Beware of who they are so you are not convinced by these super salesmen that they are the correct voices on illegal immigration.
Ironically, RINOS such as Rubio and McCain as well as President Obama believe that the country that sent a man to the moon in the 1960′s somehow cannot pull the resources together to deport illegal aliens fifty years later.
There is no people’s party per se in the US and this is even more true since the Democratic Party has abandoned American Citizens and has become the Anti-American Party. It has a deep seated penchant for helping illegal foreign nationals at the expense of Americans. The closest thing to a people’s party today is the TEA Party. The TEA Party really does invoke fear into the hearts of the liberal / progressive establishment — the ruling class, and they have done their best to taint the reputation of Tea Party members and sympathizers. I am referring of course to everyday mothers and fathers—the regular everyday people in America.
You have seen the liberal progressive press, who has become the water carrier for the Socialist Progressive Democratic Party in the US—aka the Anti-American Party. You have seen liberal progressive commentators mocking the TEA party as they have become their mortal enemy. An illicit media cannot exist with an aware public and the TEA Party is now the expression of the public.
Besides the TEA party itself, the liberal media has made the truth as another of their mortal enemies. They have no use for the truth. Unless you are an elitist hippie from the 1960′s, you are one of US. We the People now live and thrive in the TEA Party and we are being heard more each and every day. The next big explosion from the Tea party will be the 2014 elections and a lot of gang of eight tyrant sympathizers will be sent packing soaked in TEA.
The TEA Party and other conservative groups have been heard so well that President Obama commissioned the IRS to shut down the TEA Party and take over healthcare. Soon, this President and every President to come will not be able to ignore the laws of our country because we are watching, and every two years we do get to vote. Americans have been awakened again with issues such as gun control and immigration, and all of the spying on ordinary Americans. Our time has come.
There is no reason for regular people to be against rich people. To the extent that the rich are promoting the gang of eight tyrants, plan, this is a different thing. Oppose the rich elitists in this with all your heart.
However, in other matters, such a pure re-distribution, the rich use their own money for a lot of good things. There is a lot of reason to be against the nouveaux American elitist socialist progressive however. These folks are rich also or they want to be rich, but they do not spend their money on the poor. They want to make laws so that they can use your tax money and my tax money instead of their own money for the progressive causes of their choice. Most of their causes, including amnesty for illegals are not for the good of American citizens.
We should thank the real rich often, not in their role as part of the ruling class, but as the captains of industry who have assured America’s prosperity for a long time. Prosperity does not come simply because poor people decide to spend more. Prosperity comes because people with money decide to invest in America. I have yet to find a poor person who was ever able to offer anybody a job. So, I respect the rich in their role of business executives and owners, and I thank them for weathering this storm caused by a severe anti-business climate in Washington. Those businesses who hire illegal foreign nationals, however, I have no use for at all.

Who are the bad guys?

So, who are the bad guys? They are becoming known as the “ruling class.” Their ideology is socialist progressive / Marxist. The mainstream media would have you believe they are all Republican businessmen. That is not true, though RINOS pop up more often than I can stomach these days. Try to find a generous, people serving, kind bone in the body of George Soros. This evil man is the major broker of progressive dribble and treachery in the Democratic Party. Soros and many like him are trying hard to include illegal aliens into the citizenry to help bring America to its knees.
Soros thinks amnesty will help weaken America and he likes that. He is right. Illegal aliens are already weakening America. Thanks, George, but no thanks! Go home, if you can find a country that will have you! The real conundrum for conservatives is how did George Soros attract Marco Rubio, who until the amnesty debate of 2013, could very well have been the Republican nominee for President in 2016. Thankfully a clear thinking American, Ted Cruz is emerging quickly to take RINO Rubio’s spot in the lineup. Cruz loves the country and the people. He wants to abolish the IRS. Amen brother!
There is a very large coterie of progressives in the USA and they are very active. Many mainstream progressives are Harvard graduates. Harvard has been anti-American for years, and so it is no wonder why the Anti-American Party is comprised of so many Harvard grads.
In addition to those who are in it for keeps, there are also a lot of progressive wannabees, who are not real thinkers but have been duped into following the next liberal cause, often because their parents were good Democrats. Democrats and liberal progressives are not the same. When that message gets out, it may help the conservative cause. I am a Democrat and there are a number of Democrats like me who do not appreciate the huge liberal progressive wing of the Party.
Progressives and wannabees are in synch right now in their decision that America need not be America anymore. They are prepared to retest failed Marxian principles while creating a mostly destitute population of government-lovers who are obedient to a fault and dependent on government for their life. This is the ideal world for progressives. Illegal aliens by definition are very controllable and malleable so they fit very well in the plans of the ruling elite.
We cannot let the Woodstock groupies of the 1960’s make it as US leaders with their sicko, hippie, and guilt-laden agenda. Because people like you and I have noticed their takeover tactics, we diminished their power by having sent many of their minions in Congress home for good in November 2010. Obama’s IRS denial of their 501C(4) tax exempt status hurt Patriotic and TEA Party groups in the 2012 election and has emboldened conservatives for another take down shellacking in the House and Senate in 2014.
The Obama slime machine had the IRS and other agencies harassing conservatives in 2012, and their corrupt practices contributed to keeping a corrupt President and Senate in office. In 2014, the progressive Democrats plan a lot more chicanery and they expect the people will not wake up and see their tricks for affronts against the American way of life. But, after the Obama scandals and pictures of Obama opening private mail, we are already wide awake, and ready for bear.
Unfortunately, conservatives may have to get the job done without Republicans. Republicans do not know a good thing when they see it. Democrats are so into the godless notion of progressivism that they will do anything to win elections, even cheat and steal and lie. A Republican led House took over in 2011from the worse Congress ever—the 111th. Despite their success in November 2010, Republican leaders still cower in the shadow of Democrats. Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, John McCain, and other supposed conservative stalwarts are ready to let the foreign nationals have their way right now, despite the will of the American people.
Progressives own the media and it would seem that McCain, Rubio, and others want to be loved more by this media than they do the American people. Thank God we have the House of Representatives so far at least to protect US. The House of Lords is on some other planet.
When dealing with the progressives who remain in the media and in the government, Americans must hold our ground at all times. Watch what they say. Don’t expect it to be the truth. Watch what they do. It will not be good for America.
Remember that the lie is one of the greatest weapons in the progressives’ arsenal. Don’t believe a word they say. Remember one of the greatest propagandists of all time used these words to describe what the progressives do as a matter of policy: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Beware.
Can we deport all illegal foreign nationals? Yes? Should deport them all right now is a different question and we will look at that closely when we examine the Kelly Plan in detail.
You may recall that many thought John Kennedy was a loon for thinking we could actually get to the moon. Removing 12 to 40 to 50 million or more unwanted and uninvited foreign national “guests;” sounds a lot easier than getting to the moon. Don’t you think? Why would we let the heavy agenda-clad Bloomberg and his clones convince us otherwise? We do not have to deport all illegal aliens immediately and all at once, but we have to mean it or guys like Obama will continue to say they simply won’t do it even though it already is the law.
Americans are great people who at this point in history have poor leadership. The 111thCongress was the worst Congress ever, the 112th and 113th seem to be do-nothing. Compared to the do-everything corrupt 111th Congress, we are doing better. Yet, our President is the most bumbling CEO of America since James Buchanan.
Still, Americans know if our leaders really wanted to solve the problem of illegal foreign nationals destroying America all over the country, America would be able to solve this even now with as many as 50,000,000 to deport.
You and I know this is true.

Tagged as: amnesty, borders, brian kelly, No Amnesty! No Way!, RINOs

About Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is a business owner and former assistant professor at Marywood University; he and his wife live in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Kelly ran for Congress and for the US Senate in his state and believes limited government brings liberty and freedom. Check his books out at

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