August 7, 2009

D.A. King - Americans, make it clear: ObamaCare debate must include illegal immigration issue - Marietta Daily Journal column today
Posted by D.A. King at 11:18 am
Marietta Daily Journal OP ED
August 7, 2009

D.A. King: Americans, make it clear ObamaCare debate must include illegal immigration issue

It is the last thing the leftist president and the Democrat congressional leaders wanted to happen: An actual debate, an over-informed citizenry and the August congressional break before a rushed vote on government regulated health care.

At least a month of actual public exposure to Obama’s health care legislation.

The magnitude of the detrimental effect of the planned takeover of American health care is quickly becoming apparent to even the least curious American voter.

As details of the scheme become known, the overexposure of the contents of “the health care reform billâ€