Lou had Janet "The Race" Murguia and Bay Buchanan on. Lou didn't let Murguia dominate the conversation tonight. He interrupted her several times to call her on lies she was telling. Bay didn't take any crap off her. It was really good. Here's the transcript.

DOBBS: Tonight, as we reported earlier, small towns across the country are taking a stand, fighting illegal immigration on their own because the federal government has simply abandoned its responsibility, failing to enforce our immigration laws, failing, for that matter, to secure our borders.

Joining me now to discuss the issue, Janet Murguia. She's the president and the chief executive officer of the National Council of La Raza. Janet, good to have you with us.

JANET MURGUIA, PRESIDENT, LA RAZA: Thank you. DOBBS: And in Washington, D.C., Bay Buchanan, chairman of Team America Political Action Committee, fighting against illegal immigration, trying to fight for border security. And it's good to have you with us as well, Bay.

BAY BUCHANAN, CHAIR, TEAM AMERICA PAC: Thanks very much, Lou. It's always a pleasure.

DOBBS: Let me start with the very -- the Farmers Branch, Texas issue. There, the city council following much of the Hazleton ordinance saying, we've had it, we don't want people renting to illegal aliens, this nonsense has got to end. LULAC principally fighting there against that ordinance. Why is there this resistance to the idea that illegal aliens should not have the rights of citizenship?

MURGUIA: Well, I think what you're seeing in these localities is a frustration with the lack of a comprehensive solution to this. And I think that's what's happening and we can't solve this problem locality by locality. Everyone is frustrated.

DOBBS: When do you think the idiots in Washington, D.C. will figure that out?

MURGUIA: I think there is a renewed interest in coming together now and making sure that we can find a consensus on solving this problem.

DOBBS: Bay Buchanan.

BUCHANAN: There is a consensus across the country, Lou. It's quite clear why those townships are taking action, also, some states taking tough action and that's because they have had it. The people in those districts have said, look, Washington's doing nothing. It's up to you all to do something. They've taken some tough action.

The key here is Washington has failed the people of this country. They know it. They want their borders secured. They want their laws enforced. It's a simple thing. It's the constitutional responsibility of the people here in this town and they have failed Washington. And I believe that's the principal reason -- one of the principal reasons -- why you saw so many people frustrated and angry on Election Day.

DOBBS: Well, I'm frustrated and I'm a little angry about something, and that's the Vatican holding forth on U.S. policy. I've about had a bellyful of bishops, cardinals and the Vatican telling the United States what it can or cannot or should or should not do, and I don't care what religion it is.

But let me just tell you, the fact the Vatican called a fence along that border an inhuman program, I'm going to ask you both to react because I know you have got some strong feelings on religion and illegal immigration and border security.

The fact that this Vatican has the temerity to say that, while not saying a word about the corrupt and incompetent government of Mexico that impoverishes 50 percent of its people and putting that fence on its agenda rather than the impoverishment and the abuse of the Mexican people to me is disgusting. Your response?

MURGUIA: Well, I think the Vatican has weighed in historically on a lot of social justice issues, and I think they are looking at this issue of immigration from a sense of human rights.

DOBBS: Why in the world aren't they looking at the poverty of 50 million people?

MURGUIA: From human rights. They're looking at it from a human rights standpoint, as they have done for many years. And the Catholic...

DOBBS: What about the human rights of 50 million Mexicans who have impoverished by a corrupt government?

MURGUIA: Well, but we're talking about the issue as it affects the United States here today as well.

DOBBS: Those people are being shipped by the Mexican government to the United States.

MURGUIA: Obviously, but in terms of weighing in on a solution, they're saying a fence won't work, a fence is the wrong message, but we want to make...

DOBBS: Well, thank you very much, Vatican, we really appreciate your thoughts -- Bay.

BUCHANAN: Yes, it's not the business of the Vatican unless, of course, they want to send some of that precious art of theirs over here to help pay for that 10 percent of the Mexicans that we are now taking care of, and the next 10 percent that they want us to take care of.

That fence is there -- should be there because it's in the interest of Americans, and that is what the job of our government is, to take care of this country, its problems, its concerns. And this America is very clear; they want that border secure or you wouldn't have seen Hillary Clinton voting for a fence.

MURGUIA: Can I just -- you know, I think the elections really reflected a repudiation of the fact that the messages were sent around immigration that were demonizing immigrants...

DOBBS: It was demonizing immigrants -- wait.

MURGUIA: ...that were tending to look at this issue in a way where it was...

BUCHANAN: That's hogwash.

DOBBS: Wait a second. I can't let you do that. Demonizing immigrants. MURGUIA: Well, look at the candidates who ran on the hard rhetoric against immigrants. It was hard rhetoric that Randy Graf -- you know, on the border. It was...

BUCHANAN: Yes, Janet...

MURGUIA: ...just let me just finish.


MURGUIA: J.D. Hayworth also on the border. You could go to Hostettler in Indiana.

DOBBS: You've got to go all the way to Hostettler, what about Kyl in Arizona?

BUCHANAN: Let's introduce a little honest in the debate.

MURGUIA: Kyl is another example, but his rhetoric was different than I think what we saw with Randy Graf and with J.D. Hayworth. And I would argue that people who want to create a wedge issue around this, who aren't looking for a comprehensive solution are going to have a backlash. We saw that in this election.

BUCHANAN: Janet, we need to introduce a little honesty into this debate, Lou. The key here is Randy Graf, she's mentioned a couple of times. His opponent basically took Randy's position on immigration, ran tough on immigration, she demographically was better positioned because she was a social liberal. And then she took Randy's position.

Then there was four propositions statewide in Arizona, all of them passed, tough on immigration, all passed over 70 percent. The people in Arizona made their voice very, very clear. They want tough immigration, they want a secure border, they want the laws enforced.

DOBBS: Let me ask you both something. Bay is right, the candidate, in this sense, only this sense, it's only the position I'll take a side on, and that is that Randy Graf's opponent effectively adopted a very strong border security position.

But let me say this. Why can't Bay Buchanan, Team America, Janet Murguia, La Raza go to the president of the United States and to the Congress and say, look, we've thought about this and we think all of the rhetoric and all of the nonsense is just getting more than just a little old.

The issues are common to all of us, irrespective of our ethnicity, our race, whatever. It's about America. Why not say, let's first secure that border and secure those ports and within six months of the securing of those borders and ports, we will take up the issue of immigration reform? How about that idea? Could you do it?

MURGUIA: If that means a comprehensive solution, yes.

DOBBS: Comprehensive how? MURGUIA: Because comprehensive includes enforcement, Lou. I think where we're having the disagreement is you're saying enforcement only.

DOBBS: No, I'm not saying enforcement only.

MURGUIA: Yes, you are.

DOBBS: No, no, you know better than that. I have never said that. What I have said is very simply -- now you've said that and I didn't say that, Janet. I've not misconstrued your statements. What I have said is you cannot reform immigration law in this country if you cannot control immigration. And what I have said, you cannot control immigration if you cannot control our borders and our ports.

BUCHANAN: And what's real clear, Lou, is that basically the Congress passed the fence bill and the president signed it. We've got to take a look. Are these guys serious? Are they going to secure our border or not because we can't trust them right now. We want our borders secure, we want our laws enforced. Then once that's done, accomplished, then we can come and talk about something else.

DOBBS: Can you both come together on that basis?

MURGUIA: Look, these elections repudiated the politics of division and fear around this issue. They did. And I think you'll -- you saw a backlash among Hispanic voters. We went from 44 percent supporting Bush...

DOBBS: ... What happened to all those Hispanic voters in Arizona who voted for...

MURGUIA: ... to 27 percent. Look at the national...

DOBBS: I'm looking at the national average.

MURGUIA: ... if you want to see -- if you want to continue down this path.

DOBBS: Are you saying Hispanics focused on only this one issue?

MURGUIA: I'm saying it was a motivator for them, they care about every issue. But we need a comprehensive solution. We have a chance next year to do it.

BUCHANAN: You know, what we want is honesty and we want our government to do their job. First, do the job that they are told to do and that is enforce the laws of the land.

MURGUIA: We're all for honesty, Bay.

DOBBS: We've got a pledge of honesty. Janet, Bay, we've got a pledge of honesty. That's the basis on which we're going to build for the next discussion. Thank you both.

MURGUIA: We need to be about honesty and honesty we can support comprehensive solution.

DOBBS: Janet Murguia.

BUCHANAN: Honesty is the fence. We'll believe it when we see it.

DOBBS: Janet Murguia, Bay Buchanan, thanks you both. We've got that foundation for honesty. That will be the basis of our next discussion. That's where we've got to start, not finish. Thank you both so much.