Hi Everyone,

I'm all for deporting illegals and in fact limiting legal immigration temporarily until we get our house straight, so to speak, but that article on the main home page about the 300,000 'illegal' aliens being given an extended stay is inaccurate. They are actually legal aliens, as much as we may like or not like it. I don't think that that large of a number should have been included in the TPS program in the first place, but the fact is that they are here legally, and until we make them illegal by discontinuing the program, they are still legal.

If you think about it, since we blundered by granting that many people temporary refuge to begin with, if we discontinued the program, how many would honestly go home? Maybe 25% of them at the most? This might be one of those odd situations where maybe we should just grant this group the ability to eventually gain permanent residency, and just move on. I know I'm going to draw alot of heat for saying that, but if you make them illegal, you have 300,000 more illegals to suddenly worry about. We're already having enough problems with the millions who are legitmately illegal in the country now. Why add to it?

Again, I'm not a big proponent of these TPS type programs, but since they're already legally here, we might as well not worry about them too much and concentrate on those who have snuck over the border and overstayed their visas. They are much more numerous and a bigger problem. I hope you can appreciate my point of view, although you may not agree with it.

