CA Alert! Driver's license bill still alive in Assembly!

SB 60, Senator Gil Cedillo's effort to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens, passed the state Senate last year. It also passed in Assembly committees and could now receive a floor vote with no advance notice.

Despite the overwhelming opposition of California voters, the legislature has repeatedly passed variations of this benefit to illegal aliens (our efforts have helped to convince Governor Schwarzenegger to veto these bills previously). There is a danger that the Assembly could move quickly and quietly while the media and voters are preoccupied with the presidential primaries.

SB 60 requires the DMV to issue a license to illegal aliens that would be valid for driving but not for federal identification purposes. Federal law does not require issuance of these second-tier licenses, as Senator Cedillo is leading many people to believe.

CAPS was instrumental in passing the legislation which requires applicants to show legal presence in California before they can obtain a license. Tell the legislature that we want to keep this important safeguard.


Let your Assemblymember and Senator know of your continued opposition to providing driver's licenses to those who have deliberately violated our immigration laws. Send a fax or an e-mail by entering your ZIP Code and clicking "Go!" below.