Thank you annie,

Together, all of US, working together, standing up, standing tall, doing what must be done will save our country. I stress the urgency and the element of "time" that I feel we are soon out of.

Overpopulation results in massive hardship; suffering; often times irreversible in nations that do not realize or deal with population issues upfront.

Think about China. A massive nation starving to death. People blame the Communists for the hard conditions in China. Actually, that is not true. Actually, the discipline of Maoism and his teachings and subsequent regulations saved China from the massive hardship in China present when Mao took over. The same is true in Cuba. To some degree this was true in Russia.

Even after years of Maoism and gradually getting to a point where there was enough food to survive, China passed a regulation. The One Child Rule, no exceptions. This was a very hard rule for the people of China. Many wanted a son as so many cultures do. But their One Child was a daughter, they didn't want. Terrible things happened. Some times the One Child was afflicted with disease or malady or deformities. Terrible things happened. Some would abandon the children they didn't want. Chinese Orphanages would pick them up; keep them for a short while; then put them in Dying Rooms tied to a bed to starve to death. As we know, that takes two weeks. 60 Minutes when it used to be a legitimate investigative news medium exposed this and the Chinese were quite upfront about it. Why would the Chinese People support such a seemingly hard regime?

The answer was asked and answered. The Chinese People remember the hardship of famine. Watching their relatives slowly degrade and starve to death. They still remember. It's still in their psyche because many Chinese who endured it are still alive today and teach their young about it.

Famine is one of nature's ways of controlling population. It is extremely brutal as many nations know.

China did what they thought was necessary as unimaginable as this policy is to Americans. China had more people than it could sustain successfully. China still has more people that it can sustain successfully which led to such rules and policies as the One Child Rule to save their people and their nation.

I'm sure if we could ever get accurate informaton out of Cuba, we would see a much more humane regime than China's and learn and understand better what led to Communism in Cuba. What usually leads to Communism are elites that rob the nation and starve the people. China. Russia. Cuba.

Communism ensures survival in these countries when no one has anything not even enough food to eat. Communism has a place sometimes.

Is it the best system? Oh no and over time will not sustain. As the people gain and advance communism no longer works; it is too restrictive; and the people move to greater freedom and capitalism. China is doing this now. Russia has done it. We need to help Cuba do it, and perhaps one day we will. Not by overthrowing Castro but by being their friend and allowing trade between our nations and allowing the progression naturally.

The point of this is the need to control our population to levels we can sustain successfully. The United States is in a danger zone of not having enough jobs, food, water or money to sustain the population we now have. We can not do it. We've passed the threshold.

Between 25 and 30 percent of our nation lives below the poverty line now. This does not speak well for our economy, our Leaders, or our Congress. The primary reason these families and individuals live below the poverty line is lack of work opportunity; the inability to earn and accumulate stored assets, wealth sufficient to feed, clothe and shelter themselves. But for very expensive redistribution of income programs that break the working low and middle income wage earners, this portion of our population would be starving to death. That does not bode well for the management of our economic system. The primary culprit? Excess population caused by excess migration both legal and illegal into the United States.

It is a crime against our people by our politicians being manipulated into low wages or no wages and then starving to death or going to the government and asking for a handout paid for by others. No one wants this. Every American wants to be independent, live fulfilling prideful lives. These people are not lazy; they are victims of excess population introduced into our society by criminal politicians.

Any violation of law that manipulates our economy in such a manner that causes another American Citizen to lose a job or an opportunity or housing or expendable income in favor of a foreign national should be a criminal offense called Treason and carry a life sentence.

I believe those laws are already on the books and we need to start rounding up these culprits; take all their possessions; prosecute them; jail them; and throw away the key starting with Bush and Cheney and quickly work our way down and around through the corporations and 501 C 3 "advocacy" charities and other orgies.

Patriotism means loyalty to your fellow citizens, nothing more and nothing less. Patriotism is not loyalty to an individual in the White House or your local representative or senator. Patriotism is loyalty to the American People, American Citizens, individually and collectively.

We are in very Deep Twit. One-third of our population is starving to death without welfare programs; One-sixth of our population is illegal foreign nationals most not able to sustain themselves on our standard of living without free medical, education and social services; One-third of our population is retired; leaving less than One-third of our population in a working family. American Families are 3.14 in size. So that leaves about 20 to 25% of our citizen population to support the other 75% to 80% including the one-sixth here illegally.

We need the illegal one-sixth to leave the country in accordance with our laws voluntarily or by deportation and be kept out by whatever means is necessary. If it's a militarized border, so be it. We have "gated communities" then we need a "gated country".

This will allow our 25% on welfare to enter the world of working families adding another 16% to our 20 to 25% working for a total of 40% of our nation gainfully employed supporting the 60% of our now smaller population.

Then, things would be on track again. Americans would not be "retired" early at the very moment when they have all the knowledge and experience to lead companies in the right direction. Americans who are "retired" with still much to offer can be called up into the work force and paid appropriately should they desire it to supplement their retirement income without government restriction. I would much prefer to speak to someone like my mother, who is 72 on the telephone dealing with a bill or ordering a product than someone from India. Look around at Americans in their 60's and 70's, heck some in their 80's...they still have much to offer and when we are that age, so will we. We don't want our children supporting us. We want our money we've paid in to be there in pension and retirement and social security funds. We want the right to supplement; continue to make contributions; have second careers; earn money and the opportunity to do so. We want jobs for our young people so they can learn and earn as we all did. Today teenagers can't find work because they are competing for jobs being handed on a platter to foreign nationals. This reduces our families expendable income. It retards the natural development of our citizens and suffocates our work ethic which has to be learned at an early age.

Americans have always taken care of themselves. Never have we depended upon anyone else. And I swear on a Banana Tree, we don't need to start now. We do not need immigrants. Immigrants are not making positive contributions as a group. Individually yes, many wonderful people have entered our country and become AMERICANS and like all of US paid their way; made their contributions; built their lives; and become part of our wonderful nation. This worked because the numbers were small; controlled; regulated; and managed in a manner that worked for American Citizens and the Immigrants.

Today...everyone is at risk because the numbers are out of control; population growth is occurring at a rate faster than anyone can count it; plan for it; pay for it.

We are going bankrupt because of immigration and the population growth. That is why all the statistics are going in the wrong direction for a happy, healthy sustainable people with our standard of living.

We are already facing the hardships of rats in a sewer scurrying here and there trying to find a "spot" in our homeland that provides our basic elements of a Home....peace, comfort, harmony, income, jobs, familiarity, security, trust and happiness.

We are not at peace; we are not comfortable; we are not harmonious; our surroundings are no longer familiar; we do not feel secure; we can not find jobs or incomes; we do not trust our government at any level; and we are not happy.

We are losing our Home called America.

It's being stolen from US by foreign nationals aided abetted encouraged promoted and protected by the people we pay to do the Opposite. These people we call our government officials and representatives have only one legal duty and that is to protect us, promote us, encourage us, abet us, aid us.

We've been betrayed.

And that my friends is Treason when it involves a foreign entity or foreign individual that causes harm to American Citizens.

It's very simple, very straight-forward.

Impeach the Traitors starting with Bush and Cheney and then work our way done and around, clean this garbage out of DC and send them out Penniless, in Disgrace and under Indictment.

We'll call it PDI.

That's the cure to what ails US. Then everything else will be resolved in a proper manner the way America always does everything when Americans are in charge of the United States.