If President Trump didn't appoint Sessions, then who? Unfortunately, people can look good on paper, but fail utterly in reality. While Sessions may be good in some areas, like most of us, he has weakness in other areas. I would like someone better, but I wouldn't know who.

Part of the construct of our country is the concept of rule by law. Hopefully, if our leaders follow the laws, it will be better for all of us. The problem is too many laws, and conflicting laws. There is no clear course to follow.

As for the public flogging, these are public servants. If President Trump dressed him down in private, there would be a dispute as to who is right and who is wrong. When Sessions was approved, it was a public hearing questioning everything about him. People wanted to know as much as they could about how he would do the job. So he needs to be open to public criticism for how he is doing it. We don't have Congress approve a person for them be then be a dictator! Politics is very public, unlike a business where your finances and products can be secret.