
This just came in my e-mail. Can some of you check this out to verify?

Anderson and Kathy had interviewed drag queens..How family oriented...she had bragged about being hired to be the entertainment on a Gay Plane Flight to Sydney soon....then they had a reporter running in a New Year's Marathon.

Kathy...suddenly says...All of the people running would make Lou Dobbs nervous...Why does he want to send all of the Mexicans back..I like them..Let them stay."

Anderson..giggling as only he can...says he won't answer but Lou would give her a long answer. giggle, giggle. then she says oh she bets. Anderson says he will give Lou her phone Number...Kathy says she is too busy to talk to him.

That sounds trivial..but a lot of young people were watching..and I think this was a conscious effort by CNN to make HIP Kathy and Anderson down with illegal...but OLD fogeys like LOU..they are so Yesterday. That is subtle propaganda..that is how they demonize Tom Tancredo..and now they are on to Lou.

I hope you check the transcript..right at the stroke of midnight or soon after..CNN ..Anderson Cooper and kathy Griffin. I wish .. I hope her words get lots of play..and the tables are turned on her. She is a coke head ..if the tabloids are right..and she has not sued..and Anderson..if the tabloids are right...likes hot Latino c-ck..and he has not sued..and they are sliming Lou Dobbs because he objects to illegal immigration?
And they will demonize him. Insidious incidents like this will plant the picture of Lou as someone to be mocked in the minds of millions and Tom Tancredo..OUR SIDE has lost another leader.

Please check this out. It is bigger than it seems.