The American People against illegal immigration are getting no coverage or either poor coverage of our views in the Main Stream Media and this is why it is so hard for our battle to get a hold and bring the real enforcement that we need. From the latest polls I've seen, the majority of people still get their news from the Main Stream Media, and we can't get our views on there for more than 1 or 2 minutes at a time, while the OBL pushers get laods of free time, or it just gets ignored. Out of sight, out of mind.

Of course you know, we've been purposely shut out because we don't tow the corporate line or their agenda of law wages and cheap illegal labor. We must demand equal air time, after all, the airwaves are supposed to belong to the America people. We must demand the public be given access to the airwaves as well as equal resources and grants now afforded the pro-illegal groups.

Another reason we are losing this fight and the REAL CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN fight is because the Democrats and Pro-Illegal Immigration groups are so well funded they are offering good jobs to people to push their agenda's. If you have eve used , just go on the jobs section and look under non profit or government jobs, there you will see a plethra of jobs being funded by the democratic party. These jobs pay pretty good compared to other jobs in the job market today. Not a bad way to pull in fresh college grads and high school grads looking for a decent paying job. Look and you WILL NOT SEE like conservative or anti illegal immigration jobs that push the American Citizens agenda.

The reason as you know is we are battling dirty money, that the American citizens have no access to and don't want access to. We would like acces to CLEAN MONEY to combat this dirty money but the reality is, using clean money to combat dirty money is useless when they have bottomless pits of money from a criminal enterprise such as illegal immigration. Then you have the companies using legal immigration visa's to lower the American workers paychecks, they are making money off that. So if just one company can save on average of $4 an hour/per illegal and employs 25 illegals (which there are many companies where 1/2 there workforce is illegal) then the 25 American workers pay also goes down $4 an hour, thats $32,000 per month extra they are putting in their pockets, so they are glad to give $2,000 a month to a lobby group to keep the borders open and the illegals coming in. Give $2,000, make $30,000 what a deal! 100 companies doing this is $200,000/month going to the OBL groups, and this is just a very small percentage of companies, there are probably that many in Raleigh alone. This is just another criminal mafia scheme.

I'll guarantee you these lobby groups are calling these companies and seeking donations and telling the companies you better donate and push for this open border agenda or your labor cost are going to soar once the illegals are sent back home. You know they are using this tactic and we must stop it, it is clearly treasonus for this to be happening. If these groups are pandering and seeking donations from businesses we need to find out about it. This should be against the law and it should also be against the law for them to donate in anyway to these OBL groups, as it goes to undermine the laws of this country and the Citizens of this country. The corporations must be stopped, they are what is evil. They ruin everything around them just for the profit, they keep all the money and we get stuck with the human misery and the bills left to clean it all up.

We need to stop the funding, the cash flow to the Pro-Illegal groups with these agenda's. There should never be one group ever getting a dime of private or public money when their agenda goes against and undermines American law. In fact these organisations should be fined or they're assets confiscated. This is just like funneling money to terrorist organisations and I'm sure if corporate America could make a buck off of the terrorist, like they do in other countries ( I mean who is selling the terrorist the weapons they have, people don't just have the materials to open up weapons factories in the neighborhood) , they would gladly encourage it because all they care about is a buck, not you, me, our wives, our kids, our parents. We are nothing more than a cow or a goat to them, and this is why countries around the world don't care for us, because they see everything America touches turns to crap because its all for a corporate dollar. We know the Iranian people are good people in their hearts, they know the American People are good in our hearts, its human nature to be good hearted loving people, no matter what your religion. Where the conflict is at, is in the governments, they are the hard hearted wrapped in the false promise of love when the real agenda has nothing to do with love, it all has to do with money. We know it, they know it. But most importantly, God knows it. Amen!

Coprorate bashing, is it always the evil corporations?
Most times it is, they have one goal, to make as much money as they can, period. They don't care if the water they pour in the ocean is dirty, until they get caught or somebody else makes a big stink about it.
They don't care if the earth is ruined, until somebody else makes a big stink about it, then they care.
They don't care if a lot of babies in the town they are polluting are born deformed, until somebody makes then concerned. This is what they do. They might say, well we stepped up and fullfilled our obligation. Yeah, only after a decade of litigation. Only after you were prodded and poked so hard the media coverage showing your wreckless ways outweighed the benefits of rectifying your carelessness. I'm not saying every corporation is evil but just look around and see what they are paying and then see how much the profit is and the administrative pay is, then you decide yourself.

This is what we're up against. These people don't care one ioda about the American People, but they do care about the American Peoples money and this is how we get them.

We push for laws, no more contributions to ethnic groups that doesn't include everyone, no more racist groups.

No more contributions by the government or corporations to these un inclusive groups. They can have private members and be a private club, but it should be against the law to have access to lobbyist or any governmental or publicly held office.

These groups cannot push for a certian agenda pitting one group against another.

These groups cannot recieve any funding if they promote a un-lawful agenda or criminal activity.

They cannot express or lobby that the laws be overturned or reversed unless the doing of such would benefit the majority of the American people and the American people should have a referendum vote on such matter before any such law is passed.

They must promote a postitive and law abiding agenda that includes all people from all races. It must treat all races equal and with respect.
No group shall promote or distribute any language other than english, and if recieving any type of funding must provide english learning materials.

No group recieving funding shall promote or distribute any material providing instructions for known illegals to recieve public services, nor shall endorse such use of services.

Any group recieving public or private funds MUST ask and Identify the members of the group where they are employed. Must provide a legitimate name and address.

Any group recieving funding must be for an all inclusive America based on the Constitution of the Untied States of America, and hereby honor and obey all laws CURRENTLY on the books.

Any group recieving funding shall immediately disclose any illegal or criminal enterprise including identifying illegal immigrants. After all, people in America shall live by the laws that Americans live by, if it is learned that these guidelines and rules have not been afhered to, all funding will be immediately removed and any assets confiscated to make up for the funds that can't be re-embersed. Play by the rules or you get shut down.

Basically what the rules say is. Americans aren't going to fund their own demise. Either people are going to play by the rules or they aren't going to get our money, thats it!

Corporations are going to play by the same rules, any violations result in minimum $50,000 per worker American or illegal. Since the illegals bring Americans workers wages down, thus treating them like illegals as far as the pay is concerned, then we'll fine you for turning the American into illegals, $50K fine for every illegal and every American working there as well. Will you stop hiring illegals then? Will the illegals be welcomed into your loving caring arms then Mr employer?

Anyone got any Ideas?