Hello there. I am a teen for freedom from illegals, nothing special.

I'm also a member of SOS, and recently posted an idea there about catching illegals...it seems to have caught on there. I'll show you my idea, and if anyone here likes it, I'll be ectastic. If not oh well, but I have to try. I need help from everyone.

Without further ado, here it is.
Original title: Catch 'em red...bodied? It might work!

Just the other day I was discussing the immigration problem in my Sociology class, and several people agreed with me that something needs to be done.

However, some bleeding-heart drip (there's one in every class) started whining that everyone who wanted to close the borders were just awful and mean - citing the case of the California extremists who want to stop illegals with machine guns. My reply was that while that would be -effective-, it was neither morally right or good for our country's image. "We don't want the Berlin Wall, but we -do- need a fence".

Then one of my supporters piped up with the idea of placing mines everywhere along the border except at checkpoints. I was about to let him have it when he hurriedly explained that he'd meant -paintball mines-. For those of you who don't know, those are simply football-sized things that spray you with pressurized paintball goo when you step on them. His argument was to use indeliable red ink, so that they couldn't hide the mess, and would easily be spotted.

There were a few practical problems. One was, how would you know which mines had gone off? Easy, my friend replied. Put a radio tag in them that sends a simple signal when it is triggered.

I don't know if this would really pan out...but it sure sounds like its on the right track. With the right kinds of ink it would be pretty hard to hide, and I'm betting most illegals wouldn't have access to a metal detector to avoid them.

What do -you- think? Would this fly?