Regardless of how much Dems are gloating and dancing in the streets on the win of their party in the elections, the biggest winners of this debacle will be illegal aliens and Mexico in particluar. Say good-bye to the border fence law recently passed. Say hello to amnesty, guest workers and legalization of all illegals already here.

Mark my words, this election paves the way for the Dems. to offer up legislation to give illegals just what they have been demanding for the past year. And look for Jorge Booch to sign any such bills into law immediately. Meaning, say adios to the country as we know it.

Look forward to more bilingual education and affirmative action, look forward to free healthcare, welfare, foodstamps, in-state and tuition and scholarships for illegals. Basically, a big up yours to the vast majority of Americans who overwhelmingly want secure borders, deportations, fines and jail time for illegal employers.

The only winners in the U.S. will be the prison guards, LoJack, car and home alarm installers, DUI attorneys, diaper and baby formula manufacturers, welfare office employees, Spanish criminal court translators and of of course La Raza, Maldef and LULAC.

Adios United States, hola Meximerica.