The Mexican Truck Pilot Program debate on the floor of the U.S. Senate raised even more troubling concerns about the real motivations behind NAFTA. In arguing for the program, TX Sen. John Cornyn referred to NAFTA as a "TREATY obligation", and, more ominously, stated, "NAFTA is now the law of the land"!

We know that the North American Free Trade Agreement was "sold" to a reluctant U.S. public only as an "agreement" rather than a formal "treaty" because, under our Constitution, a treaty requires the approval of two-thirds of the U.S. Senate to be ratified rather than the simple majority they were able to muster to pass it. NAFTA is NOT "a treaty"!

I have read that the primary reason the leaders of the three nations have been moving forward so quickly to implement the "Security and Prosperity Agreement" (SPP) in secret to "merge the government fucntions" of the three nations together is that they are afraid that if any parts of NAFTA are questioned publically, it will fall apart completely! Evidentally the agreement among the three governments is that fragile in practice!

Sen.Byron Dorgan (D-ND) has proven an extremely effective legislative leader in defeating S. 1639 and, last night, the Mexican Pilot Truck Program! On Jan. 10, 2007, Sen. Virgil Goode (R-VA) introduced a "House Concurrent Resolution" (H.Con. Res. 22) which would express "the sense of Congress that the PRESIDENT should provide NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL of the UNITED STATES from the North Ameican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."

Perhaps passage of such a resolution, and actually requiring our elected officials to just remove us from NAFTA as a "failed trade experiment" is not "an impossible dream"! Look at the overwhelming Senate vote last night defeating the Administration's Mexican Truck Project! I plan to write Sen. Dorgan and ask if he will please consider leading the Senate effort to bring Rep. Goode's H. Con. Res. 22 to the forefront, and work toward its passage. Please consider writing your Representative requesting that he/she co-sponsor and support Rep. Goode's H.Con.Res. 22.