I just saw Glenn Beck interview a Congressman from Ga, I believe it was. Forgot his name.

Anyway, they were discussing Birth Right Citizenship. Fascinating!

North Korea has an entire travel industry focused on just this. They arrange travel, accomadations, etc for NK's to come to the US to deliver their babies.

1. It's free
2. The child will not have to sign up for the NK Army
3. The child, at age 21, can petition for their parents to become US Citizens

Mexico it costs $1000 to give birth. In the US:

1. It's free
2. The child, at age 21, can petition for their parents to become US Citizens.

Over 400,000 babies born in this country each year are born to illegal immigrants and by nature of birth are given birth right citizenship.

The US is one of only a handful of countries that have birth right citizenship. Europe, France, etc do not.

He also went into a brief but great history of the 14th amendment.