I haven’t been online since Wednesday, and when I read the comments on the thread entitled “Black America! WHY are they not up in arms too!" my initial response (anger) was to simply post a response. I then decided to start this thread in hopes of dispelling the myth that the black community is oblivious or apathetic regarding the illegal immigration issue.

The presumption in the absence of public admonition by Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, that the black community is pro-amnesty, is simply wrong. They DO NOT represent the black community. I will reserve my opinion of them for now.

Many have erred in their assumption that all members of this site are white. Prior to today, I felt that ethnicity at Alipac was irrelevant. I was under the impression that we were all on one accord in our opposition to the amnesty bill and everything it represents. I joined this site as a result of my utter frustration and disgust. I could not sit idly by and watch the country I love being systematically destroyed. I had to do everything within my power to make a difference. I have made countless calls and have sent numerous letters in support of OUR cause.
And yes, I am black.

I vehemently oppose this bill because it is wrong. It is wrong for AMERICA, and I am an American. I did not say African-American, because I have NEVER referred to myself as such. I AM AN AMERICAN! I am of African (and other) descent, as many here are of Irish, German, French, etc. descent. First and foremost, I am an American. I was born in this country, as were my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents, great-great-great grandparents.

I am not an anomaly. There are MANY blacks who share my stance on this issue. All blacks do not share identical backgrounds or ideals, anymore than all whites.

For the record, I have personally contacted the Congressional Black Caucus, Tavis Smiley, Barrack Omaba, Oprah Winfrey, as well as popular urban radio hosts. As of today, I have only received one response - from the CBC, which was their pathetic newsletter.

The MSM erroneously reports support for this bill in the black community, just as they misrepresent polls. I am here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. There are both black and white supporters of this bill, and black and white opponents of this bill.

Can we all work together as Americans for America?

I offer the information below in support of my assertion. This is but a small sampling. Remember, our representatives are ignoring ALL opposition voices.

Note the comments section on the first link.

http://www.house.gov:80/htbin/blog_inc? ... tail.shtml

http://www.townhall.com/columnists/LaSh ... mmigration


http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-new ... sts?page=7

http://www.americanchronicle.com/articl ... leID=10967

http://righttruth.typepad.com/right_tru ... aking.html