I was so appalled when I saw the news tonight. Black leaders will be joining with the Illegal Immigration protest. They are making a lot of us upset. What they seem to forget is the one's who call in on the radio upset in all states are the one's who vote. Who are they to represent someone else and can't represent us in any shape, form, or fashion? Who are they to say what the black public wants? When was the last time they had to look for a job and it turned out that the entire job market had changed? When were they told they had to learn Spanish. I'll be calling the local radio station in the Morning again! Just today on Heaven 97 Blacks all over were calling in voicing their view on this issue. There were very few who agreed. However, I wonder what everyone felt today after witness the most disrespectful thing that our black leaders could do. Besides who ever said they did anything for us? They don't even come to our community. They don't do anything except trying to get involved with any cause that isn't black that can help then get on T.V because they stand for nothing.

I'll be glad when Election Time Gets here. They will really hear from us. Them and the Democrats. I don't know which way I will vote but I do know I will not vote for anyone who doesn't want to put an immediate end to this Illegal Crap. It's insane.