This letter got to me.

Border fence foes want drug money
October 11, 2007 - 11:05PM

I read with great sadness read about the deceptive comments attributed to the anti-border fence movement group in the Sept. 29 Brownsville Herald. It’s all about money and not about caring for the poor!

How much do the drug cartels that make billions each year in the drug trade contribute to the anti-border fence movement? Why is it that Bishop Peña and state representatives are not concerned about the suffering of the poor people in Mexico but are only concerned with those who cross the border? Is it because they are the people who bring in the drugs?

Is there no God in Mexico? Are there no Catholics in Mexico to denounce the way the poor are treated in Mexico? It is said that Mexico sends poor people to the United States so we can support them and so that they can send money to Mexico to support the wealthy.

The Mexican government allows corruption by the wealthy and they do not make them pay taxes to support the needs of the people of Mexico. Many of the richest people are Mexicans and yet they want us to support their poor.

The poor who come here from Mexico are almost all Catholic and they contribute freely and in large amounts to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not want the fence because it will reduce the flow of illegal immigrants, drugs and the flow of cash to the Catholic Church.

If the Catholic Church were really concerned about the inhumane treatment of people, it would be demonstrating in all of Mexico every day. How many times have you heard Bishop Peña denounce the inhumane treatment of people in Mexico. Does the Brownsville Diocese even pay a living wage to those who are employed to do God’s work?

And what about the state representatives? What is their motivation? Have they denounced Mexico for the treatment of people?

It all about money! The fact that not building a fence makes it easier to get drugs into the United States and the fact that drugs are having a serious impact on our youth is of no concern to those who are motivated by money. The United States continues to praise Mexico even when it know full well that it is a corrupt democracy controlled by a few wealthy Mexicans.

Moses Sorola
Via the Internet ... _poor.html