I am SURE all members of ALIPAC, plus, have noticed that the illegal aliens have boundary issues. This is the main thread in my little story.

Twice this week we have had the illegal aliens in our complex come into our private backyard and take things (and this is not the ONLY times, this has been an issue since we have lived here).

On Wednesday, I wanted to mow our little patch of grass in the back. We have a push mower, and it is a good one. We leave it near our patio, as we have no shed in which to store it, or anything else in. I went out, looked around, and no mower. Called on my son to see if he knew, he looked and sure enough, it was gone.

He immediately went looking within our complex, found it in the same dang backyard he has found it in two other times. He walked away with it. We mowed our lawn.

Now today, my husband and son went to take my mothers car back to her, while my daughter and I stayed behind. I showered while she was in her room playing with our new kitten. The curtains were closed in the front, but in back, our kitchen door was open for fresh air. Right next to our kitchen door we have a bag of returnable cans (Oregon's bottle bill, they are worth money) hanging on a hook.

My husband and son returned while I was in the shower, and my son went immediately to the sliding glass door which is adjacent to the kitchen door. He was petting our older cat on our picnic table, looked over towards the kitchen door and there was our next door illegal neighbor lady, digging through our bag of cans!!! She looked at him and smiled innocently and said something in Spanish and walked away with a can in her hand. I do not think just one can was her goal, however she had been seen.

Many times we have looked at our sliding glass door and realized there are children staring in at us (telling them to go away is not helpful, they do not speak enough English!), also they do this at the front window (our private driveway and our private front yard, both have to be crossed in order to do this, as well as the backyard.

We have surmised this in our household, if it is not heavily fenced off, locked in, bolted down, it will be looked into or taken when these people are around, it is a given.

We're talking to the new landlord, asking for a fence on both sides, and in the front.

I know I am not the only one who has encountered this problem. What about you all?