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  1. #11
    Senior Member Justthatguy's Avatar
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    The PC advocates are really just running a business. They write books, give lectures, make appearances etc. They could care less what effect it might have on everybody else. They are part of the oligarchy that runs the U. S. , the predator class. If you ask them to present any evidence for what they claim they can't do it. So if the truth be known they are really just running a scam. They are just like the crooked businesses that hire illegal aliens.

  2. #12
    Senior Member MontereySherry's Avatar
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    I can tell you we are not liked by most of the world ! Every oppotunity people of other nations insult America . Especially our so called freinds north and south of us and in europe
    It is not that they don't like us, they don't respect us. It is like Dr.Phil says "You teach people how to treat you".

    As I have said before I was a military wife who lived in foreign countries and was taught to remember I was a guest in their country and to respect their culture and laws. What we consider in America as being respectful and PC is considered by many cultures as a sign of weaknes.

    How many of us have tried to help family and friends by giving advice or loaning money to only find resentment afterwards. This is another reason many in the world don't like America.

  3. #13
    I wouldl rather be moraly correct than politicaly corect anyway.

  4. #14
    Senior Member USPatriot's Avatar
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    IMO Saying you are Morally correct or your Politically correct is two sides of the same opinionated coin and very judgemental of other citizens who disagree with your individual view.

    I agree we do need a moral compass and the 10 commandments fulfills our obligations. Anything beyond that is personal requirements and beliefs. imho
    "A Government big enough to give you everything you want,is strong enough to take everything you have"* Thomas Jefferson

  5. #15

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    NOamNASTY, I was very moved by your story. I feel your pain, though I haven't run into too many of these situations myself yet. I'm venturing a guess you live on either of the coasts, where people are more liberal and PC minded. But do correct me if I'm wrong. (Not that I'm dorky enough to believe this belief system is limited to the coasts, because it has propagated to the midwest plenty.)

    Although, I did have an interesting experience today. I was approached by a minority (a black man, not that it matters) and he asked me for 5 dollars. I told him I have no money (because I really did not). Even if I did, I'm not a bank, for the love of Pete. Anyway, he moved closer to me, as to not respect my personal space, and I backed up. He plainly told me that he thought I was racist. Say what???? This guy has no basis for his claim. I was respectful, but not apologetic in my dealings with him, and because I didn't respond the way he would have liked, I'm branded as a racist. I don't really care though, because I know I'm not. It's not my problem. But what the point I'm trying to emphasize here is that is seemingly if you're white, and you don't do what foreigners or minorities want, then you're a racist by default. It's a sad state of affairs when even in Sioux Falls South Dakota you have to avoid certain areas of town to dodge such hassle.

    Naturally, speaking for myself, I imagine none of us here are xenophobes, and we appreciate foreigners who genuinely want to be here. However, when it becomes a case of immigrants tearing apart Americans because our beliefs and ways don't match theirs, then obviously, we have a problem.

    I'm exceptionally irked that many businesses refuse to utter the words "Merry Christmas" anymore because it may offend the sensibilities of those "who don't celebrate Christmas."

    At any rate NOamNASTY, thank you for sharing your story.

  6. #16
    Senior Member sarum's Avatar
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    I wish I could still go hug my chickens and laugh at their antics! City made me give 'em up. The illegals can still have them thanks to La Raza - cuz it's their culture. Well it's my culture too!
    Restitution to Displaced Citizens First!

  7. #17
    GR is offline
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    Keep in mind that Washington is not being politically correct, and never have been. They're all heavily rich and their money and power had bought them the freedom to do as they please.

    G.W. Bush is rich enough to feel free enough to call his fellow Americans "workers who are unwilling to work", which he thought justified his right to cling to mexico's illegal aliens for the purpose of paying back big business money people (who to this day have remained nameless) who are also rich and powerful.

    Obama is rich enough to feel free enough to say whatever the hell he wants to against America, Americans, Israel, England (HE GAVE THEM A SET OF MOVIE CD'S!!!!! In exchange for the piece of an ancient slave ship England gave Obama!), and ALL of America's allies.

    V.P. Biden - well his mouth has a life of it's own, backed up with much lack of credibility - but he gets away with it because he's RICH AND POWERFUL like all the above and too many more.

    Palosi, Reid, and too many more do the same thing, all in the name of "we got money and power, so we can do as we please, because it buys us the right to do so."

    Make no mistake that in some areas of the USA, like the west coast, when some people in some neighborhoods (like the rich ones) appear to be politically correct - they are not.

    It's the same as saying, with a smile, "don't call us, we'll call you", which many times can mean, "get the hell off my stage, so we can get rid of more like you, and move onto the really talented".

    However, me thinks that is not the kind of political correctness you meant.

    YES, too many Americans are too P.C.

    Many say that people from the 1960's and before that didn't open up much, that they didn't speak about things out loud.

    YES they did! They were the first to tell you where to go, and how to get there, with no fear in their voice.

    They were the ones who DISCIPLINED and RAISED their children without fear of harming the child, because their focus was to RAISE THE CHILD TO A PRODUCTIVE ADULT.

    This bologna about the spoiled kids of the 1960's is mis-guided, because most of them were the RICH KIDS of the 1960's, and yet, many rich kids were also raised to be responsible adults.

    There's one huge sore on the nose of America that needs to end, because it's entirely based on being politically correct - look up the EEOC rules and laws.

    The EEOC never should have happened, because what it did was give employers an excuse to hire ONLY non-whites, though the rules were being adhered to in the beginning, in that if there was a white and a black who had the same qualifications, then the black got the job.

    Not long after, along the way, and definitely now, what is happening is that blacks who are in charge of hiring will make sure that blacks are hired, asians who are hiring will make sure that they get their asians buddies in the position, and whites are settled for when there is no one else of their race to hire.

    The EEOC (equal employment opportunity commission) is nothing but a set of rules and laws that force fed America's employers with "political correction" in the name of paying back a race for NOT WHAT THEY WENT THROUGH, but what THEIR ANCESTORS WENT THROUGH.

    The EEOC is an outdated set of rules and laws, which has HELPED mexico to invade America on behalf of THEIR RACE.

    One of the reasons why mexico has gotten as far as they have is because it's another way Americans have been force fed their meal of "take this race and shove it down your throat" political correctness.

    Of course no rich people are held under the same political correctness, because their money buys them all the freedoms they need and want.

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