Well, as a language teacher, and speaking and/or reading 5 languages myself, I am often delighted to see other languages on products. I am delighted to have multiple languages available to me in movies and even tv broadcasts. I LIKE TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE.

And I think it is a positive opportunity for Americans to have these opportunities to learn foreign languages. I have always been irritated when I hear Europeans making fun of Americans not "being able" to learn multiple languages like they do. They think themselves more intelligent for this. But it has nothing to do with intelligence. They simply have MORE need to learn other languages in Europe because the countries are so small and close together. In this sense, I thought it a good thing that other languages were becoming available in the public media.

But having said all that, I support ENGLISH ONLY as the American language. I'd like to see us learning other languages - but NOT HAVING ANOTHER LANGUAGE TAKING OVER. That is not going to help unify Americans. And WE especially need a unifying language because we historically HAVE BEEN a country of immigrants. WHERE WOULD WE BE TODAY IF ALL THE IMMIGRANTS HAD REFUSED TO LEARN ENGLISH AND INSISTED ON SCHOOLING IN THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE!! HORRORS!