Quote Originally Posted by 2ndamendsis
Why don't you change the title of your post and SUPPORT AMERICA instead of, once again, not reading and absorbing. YOU seem to be deliberaly trying defuse the focus of our mission here on ALIPAC.

You seem to be very worried about supporting bush, However, AMERICAN COMPANIES you care nothing about? The very thing that built this country? Helps you make a living?

Your refusing to be intellectually honest here is cause for questions. I, for one, question your motives. You would not be a person I would consider hiring and one who would not receive a paycheck with my john hancock.

AMERICAN COMPANIES should not be the target. Think you had better go and check who owns some of these companies in the USA who hire illegals. Might be an eyeopener for you. Cuts both ways. It's disengenuous to lump ALL under this title at the very least.

Change the title and respect AMERICAN COMPANIES while going after those who break our laws. Some of us have been "boycotting" for a lot longer than YOU even knew that a problem existed.

As far as myself, I think I'll keep my own council as yours is sadly misdirected. When you've enough experience, come back and we'll discuss MY DOING THE RIGHT THING. You might gain a little knowledge as it seems to be your short fall.

Final thought..........TRY YOUR MAGIC ON CONGRESS WHERE IT BELONGS. They hold the keys to this mess in the off chance your watered down Education neglected to teach you.
So you do protect companies who employ illegals. What a shame.
You are then as much to blame as they.
You also obviously don't get the message.