Miller Brewing Company:

As representatives of the National Illegal Immigration Boycott Coalition representing over 100 organizations, authors, and bloggers, we reject your most recent proposal to end the boycott.

We find your initial two responses to the boycott be inadequate, duplicitous, and lacking in assurances for the American public. We suggest you get serious about making amends with the consumers, groups, and organizations you have offended.

You have supported illegal immigration. You do not support the existing US laws that call for illegal aliens to be deported. You have financially supported groups that support amnesty for illegal aliens, benefits for illegal aliens, and the marches.

We plan to continue the boycott of your stock and products and engage the coming phases of the boycott. Our researchers are working to track how much money you have given these groups.

If you would like to contact us to discuss a serious response to the millions of Americans you have offended and a way to end the boycott then we can be reached via the following contact information.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

Jason Mrochek
Director, FIRE Coalition
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999