Hi All:

Did you know that a new blog is started EVERY SECOND? Did you know the other side used MYSPACE as a way of spreading their word like wild fire when they organized their marches earlier this year?

With a personal BLOG dedicated over to news, or specifically to news on the Illegal Alien issue, you give yourself, and our movement another tool of OUT REACH. I just posted the announcement of the March in Washington on two of my own blogs, and in less than five minutes had 53 hits on these two blogs.

Further, if I know of others who have similiar blogs on the same network, I can list them as friends, we can even form a BLOG RING and cross link to each others sites, we can post messages from this site with a link back to ALIPAC.

I am putting two links to my own blogs here, and after viewing them, I hope you'll consider starting one of your own, and messaging me privately so I can add your blog to my friends link on these sites.

Pinto Bean

