When you thought it couldn't be more unbelieveable

George Bush feels betrayed by Republicans on immigration, according to an article by Stephen Dinan in Sunday's Washington Times about the president's appearance at the Democrats' annual retreat. When Illinois Democratic Representative Luis Gutierrez complained to the president that Republicans were going to the voters with the immigration issue, President Bush sided —really sided—with the Democrat, telling him, "You are not the only one with arrows in your back."

The president then went on to put some arrows in the backs of the American people, promising to fight alongside Democrats for a bill that does not deport illegal aliens.

In other words, the American president, the whole point of whose job is to ensure the laws are faithfully executed, promised Rep. Gutierrez he would fight not to enforce them.

If anyone should feel betrayed, it's the voters. And angry: for Mr. Bush is perfectly aware that his betrayal of the American people, is, in fact, a betrayal. This is evident from his remark at the retreat that it will be necessary to get an amnesty signed into law this year before the 2008 election campaign makes the issue "too political." In other words, he knows that he and the other Democrats will need to sneak it through quickly before the voters notice.

gutierrezSo, who is this Luis Gutierrez with whom the president is siding against us? Luis Gutierrez is an ethnic-identity radical. He played a major role in the illegal alien demonstrations last year, and was seen exhorting the crowds to wave American flags for the cameras.

His speech at the demonstration in Chicago was tinged with the language of war, and when he led the crowd with chants of "Today we march! Tomorrow we vote! the "we" he had in mind was his ethnic group. The vague threat implicit in the chant, "Today we march! Tomorrow we vote!," was directed at the white majority, the people who put George W. Bush in office, the people who sit blinking stupidly, their own chants of "Diversity is our strength!" fading on their lips, as they watch their president betray them.

The amount of traveling he does puts Rep. Gutierrez in the top ten percent of members of congress. Three out of four of those Gutierrez trips are explicitly focused on the benefit of his own race. Some trips are to foreign countries.

Rep. Gutierrez has taken trips, for example, sponsored by the National Council of La Raza, to Mexico where he attended meetings with Mexican government officials to coordinate strategies on U.S. immigration policy.

Just think about that! A member of the U.S. congress is flown to Mexico on money from the Ford Foundation (a deeply guilty organization) to try to devise a strategy that will benefit a foreign country and Latinos, understood trans-nationally.

And against whom are they strategizing? Well, it can be none other than us. Now, some might call that treason.

Luiz Gutierrez has one goal: to increase the population of Latinos in the United States. He pioneered a program worked out with the INS by which his office took over the paperwork and the mechanics of the citizenship process! His office has been responsible for putting over 25,000 people, if you can believe it, on the path to citizenship according to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee website . Now, apparently, all the congressional offices of the Hispanic Caucus are doing the same thing: importing their own voters in house.

It's insane that we are allowing this to happen—allowing this resentment-driven member of congress to control a mechanism that both increases his ethnic group and increases his voter base.

Today we march! Tomorrow we vote!

Can we look to our president to take a firm hand and reign this guy in? No, our president joins him in opposition to us! George Bush. Truly a disaster.

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