California Senate Bill 626 Introduced by Nel Soto -(Ontario D )
After failing to pass a Driver's license for illegals bill, The latest Trick that the socialist legislators In Califronia are trying to push on us benefiting the illegals is SB 626.
in a nut shell here it is:
- The current law says:" id you are caught driving without a drivers license or with a revoked or suspended one, you car will be impounded by the police for 30 days and you get to pay the expences of towing and storing your car.
The New Introduced Bill says:
If you never ever had a driver's license in California and you were caught driving well the police can give you back your car after only 24 Hours
Who is driving without ever having a driving license on the roads of California? Yes you guessed it Illegal aliens.
I put a link on my website to the complete bill, you can check it out for yourself.