Urgent - Urge your Senator(s) to Protect E-Verify

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121; Your Senator(s) on the committee(s) are listed to the right.

Calling is easy. Simply tell the staffer your name and urge the Senator to make sure the House of Representative's E-Verify language is accepted in the House/Senate Conference Committee on the stimulus bill.

Additional talking points are below:

Talking Points
Talking point:

It was absurd that the Senate did not adopt Sen. Sessions' amendments regarding the use of E-Verify. Please work to correct this problem during House/Senate negotiations on the economic stimulus bill.

Talking point:

More than a half-million Americans lost their jobs in January and there are more than 11.5 million unemployed Americans overall. The House passed amendments requiring E-Verify to be used by entities that receive stimulus funds. Please make sure the House's E-Verify language is retained during the House/Senate Conference Committee negotiations in order to preserve stimulus jobs for American and legal immigration workers.