WOW check this email out, I guess we got their attention!!!! Talk about POed and running scared!!!

Subject: Please sign here
Date: 2/2/10 3:35:35 PM
From: "Colleen Turrentine"


Sign the petitionTea Party hysteria has snowballed into a truly dangerous third-party political force. These guys aren't going away. They've proven they can raise millions in a matter of hours and they're skewing elections across the nation. Can you imagine the havoc they would wreak if they took office en masse? If they had their way, how many states would even stay in the U.S.?

After the GOP won two Democratic governorships and, just last month, took Ted Kennedy's U.S. Senate seat (after 57 years in Democratic hands), the Far Right thinks they have the momentum to defeat us this November -- even the 37 governors' races that are up for grabs.

These angry, extremist Teabaggers will go to any length to crush every inch of President Obama's agenda.

Stop them before it's too late -- sign the DGA's petition to stand with President Obama and support his agenda.

Americans, every one of us, deserve governors who will fight for the middle class -- not self-serving politicians who kowtow to special interests whose political hero is Sarah Palin. But that's exactly what the GOP's Tea Party-obsessed candidates are doing.

Tell these obstructionists to stop playing politics with people's lives. Click here to sign our petition: voice your outrage at the GOP's destructive pursuit of power and support President Obama's brave and historic efforts to put our nation back on the right track.

President Obama is facing the greatest challenges of our age, not to mention a monumental mess left behind by eight years of Republican rule. And yet he's accomplished more than any first-year president in recent history. But, as they've done continuously since being booted from power, Republicans are fighting to steer us back to the failed policies and fear tactics of the Bush-Cheney-Rove era.

With 37 governorships, 36 Senate seats, and the entire U.S. House up for election in just nine months , Republicans are going to the lowest lows -- lying, cheating, smearing -- to destroy the achievements we've fought so hard for. And you can bet they have no plans to stop.

Tell the Party of No that we won't let them drive our country into the ground once again -- sign the DGA's petition and let the GOP know you're behind President Obama's progressive solutions, not Tea Party Republicans' shameful and dangerous political games.

Then, in support of President Obama, forward this to every friend and relative you can. Each voice added to yours and mine will build the power of our message and create a potent antidote to the Tea Party's hate-filled political hysteria.

Because as loud as they yell, with enough voices of our own I know we can prevail. Help us spread this message. America deserves better than the GOP's callous political games. America deserves solutions.

Thank you for standing with us,

Colleen Turrentine
Democratic Governors Association

P.S. Add your voice to ours and tell power-hungry Tea Party Republicans bent on destroying our progressive agenda that you're standing with President Obama as he forges a better future for America. Then show even more support for the President by forwarding this message to everyone you know and help this message grow even more powerful.