Check out this guys post from another forum if you get a chance.

He made it in a thread in the Liberty Forest Forum. It use to be the Ron Paul Forum.

Lord Xar
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Los Angeles, Ca.
Posts: 5,388

Originally Posted by Spot the Fed
yet more anarchist nonsense.
yup +10000000

You get a Dopey poster who posts nonsense after nonsense, then his lil' leftist anarcho commie friends come in and create straw men arguments that a child could see thru. See, these goofs always want to talk about "open borders" and "If you don't believe in open borders, there is something wrong with you and you hate freedom". But it is precisely our love for our freedom AND our sovereignty that sees us wanting secure borders.

Did you notice how that OP put in "hate the brown man". Typical leftist jargon. So typical and transparent.

Hey Anarcho leftist wanna be commies, do this.. argue for the end of BIG govt. AND the environment that creates the welfare state.... you wont'. Why? BECAUSE YOU WANT exactly what is being served.... Now, you just want open borders so you can realzie your big govt. welfare state. I have to laugh at these posters.

Let me ask a question, why would you advocate a behaviour ----> open borders leads to illegal immigration or lets say, immigration, uncontrolled. WITHOUT first dealing with subsidization that creates this illegal environment. That makes no sense. Perhaps this is why I see reason escaping many on this issue.

You preach/advocate open borders as if you have a stake in it. You spend more time advocating open borders than fighting "this corrupt government". That makes NO sense. Why allow the behaviour that the govt feeds on to make itself bigger?

Big govt desires dependents.
---> It subsidizes illegal immigration thru subsidies, at taxpayer expense
--->----> When you subsidize somethig, you get more of it
--->--->---> More subsidies TOO illegal immigrants/open border environs, creates MORE illegals
-->--->---> More illegals CREATES bigger govt because of the depency WHEN they are illegal and ultimately when they are amnestized.
--->--->--->---> Its reciprical relationship.
1. You argue for MORE open borders.
-->--> This will create a BIGGER govt. AND create a voting block that will desire an environment in which the U.S 'merges' with mexico, AND a leftist/extreme agenda.

This is NOT "hate he brown man" or whatever else nonsense you use from you leftist handbook ala.. xenophobe <-- that is a good one, but played out now. This is about the struggle to keep govt. small and maneagle AND to restorre liberty/freedom. Your post screams of tyranny to me. Because you mask your true beliefs behind a veneer of "freedom liberty". When you seem to be everything but..... ... 954&page=8