I'll save you the details of an article that was in my local paper today, but I did want to bring the following to your attention:


Chertoff said the raids at plants in six states highlighted a need for a guest worker program, which would cut down on the demand for illegal documents.
Does Chertoff actually believe we're not intelligent enough to see through such a ridiculous and illogical statement? In White House spokesman Tony Snow's words, this is just nonsensical! Heck, why don't we just make all crack, herione, and LSD legal, that would certainly reduce the need for DEA agents, thus saving the the federal government a ton of money. Better yet, why not make drinking and driving legal. Just think of how much money we could save in court and law enforcement costs. See how ridiculous that sounds! Both of those ideas completely ignore the value of life and the human tragedies suffered because of drug and alcohol abuse. I would submit that Chertoff's idea completely ignores the financial needs of working class American citizens! Furthermore, he's proposing an amnesty for illegal behavior with a cure that doesn't fit the illness. A massive guest worker program at this point, such as Cheroff supports, would be the same as giving amnesty to all those that have criminally munipulated our judicial system (businesses and illegals).

Secretary Chertoff is not very crafty when it comes to deceiving the American people. He is constantly opening his mouth and inserting his big feet. The Bush agenda would probably be better served if Chertoff would just keep his oral orifice zippend. The man can be read like an elementary level book.