OK so here is a new one for me. I saw an hispanic woman trying to round up 5 chickens on a busy street in my neighborhood. She finally caught them all put them in their cage and went back into the apartment building (which are all 1 bedroom apts.)

Well I am horrifed that their is live poultry running lose in my neighborhood and I live in a city. So I call the code enforcement man (only 1 code enforcement officer for entire city 30,000+ people). He tells me I have to know the apartment number of where the chickens came out of. I tell him how the heck would I know I gave you the building address, I don't live in that building. I would rather be homeless. I also tell him what times I and neighbors have seen these chickens. And not to mention the building has 80+ 1 bedroom apts full of illegals. So I tell him if you were to do your job you would find many other housing and health violations. He basically told me he would take a walk down my street and if he saw the chickens he could do something as far as the other stuff his hands ouor tied. So I said then why even have this department. You oviously are the resource, you have the power with aid of police to inspect the building and that includes inspecting apartments according to the city ordinance.

He had no answer and said not much I can do in this situation.

I was fuming at this point and told him I might bring this to a newspaper. City officials not doing their jobs that taxpayers pay for.

This is insane.

Has anyone else experienced this live poultry business in your city?