I am writing to inform you that our opposition has it seems found out about our March for America project and Let Freedom Ring America and is causing issues.
I am unsure who Joe Greene or Marci are but they have been posting on various boards regarding how our corporation and the March is a scam. This could not be further from the truth. Marci claims to have done research and found truth behind this claim. I am unsure how she was able to do this as the March has been in formation less then a month, public less then two weeks, and Let Freedom Ring is still having the ink dry on the legal forms to create it to allow us even to host the March for America project legally. Both have refused to offer documented proof of such findings, but both have been diligenty spreading the word across the web. With deep regret others have jumped upon their bandwagon and are as well spreading these rumors. It has been a trying day to say the least for Melissa (co-chair) and myself to deal with these accusations, and is causing us to not be able to advance on the March for America project due to having to counter each and every attack. How wide the girth of this has been spread we can not begin to imagine.

It seems this entire big show stemmed from reading a mission statement which was a personal view of those involved in Let Freedrom Ring America written before the formation of it as a Corporation, to allow the public to see where we stood on various matters. I felt it was important to hold on to the statement even after the formation of the Corporation as we wanted to show we were not money grubbing, self-focused, but rather your typical meat and potato moms/dads representing America. The opposition unfortunately are grasping it with both teeth and using it to inform people any donations sent will be used towards other causes, which legally we are not able to do nor would even consider doing. Especially since the sole reason we founded Let Freedom Ring America was to allow us to be able to host this Rally in the first place.

I just wished to inform you that we will continue to fight through this and any addtional opposition and see this March for America take place legally. We hope you will continue support with our project, but understand if this is not the case due to the above circumstances.

Suzanne Wise
CEO - Let Freedom Ring America