From Investor's Business Daily ... 1149224647

The Chinese Re-Connection

Posted Friday, October 26, 2007 4:20 PM PT

National Security: Bill Clinton was the best president the People's
Republic of China ever had. His wife may be even better. Beijing, hungry
for more technology transfers, is betting on it.

IBD Series: To China With Love: The Clinton Legacy

It's no coincidence that Sen. Hillary Clinton's autobiography, "Living
History," is the most popular foreign political memoir in Chinese history.
The state-owned publisher of the Chinese translation of her book has
printed hundreds of thousands of copies (after censoring passing
references to dissident Harry Wu) and stocked them in bookstore windows
from Beijing to Shanghai.

It's also no coincidence that Chinese bagmen are lining up immigrants in
Chinatowns from New York to San Francisco to donate cash to Hillary's
campaign. Many have never voted. Some aren't citizens and couldn't vote if
they wanted to. Most are dishwashers, waiters and garment workers who
don't even have the means to give the thousands they're giving. And an
alarming number say they've been pressured by shady Chinese "businessmen"
to help fill Hillary's campaign war chest.

Command fundraisers are breaking out all over the Chinese community. It's
plain that Sen. Clinton is China's candidate. It's time to ask why that
is. What is the attraction? What does Beijing want? What has she promised?

Is Hillary, as some suspect, a Manchurian candidate loyal to foreign and
unseen donors rather than American voters? Can she be trusted with U.S.

With polls showing Clinton bounding ahead of the Democratic field, while
nosing out even top GOP hopefuls for the White House, voters must take
these questions seriously. We plan to drill down on them in a series of

It's instructive to revisit the special relationship the Chinese had with
the last Clinton administration, especially in view of how the former
president plans to act as an "international emissary" for his wife.

Bill Clinton called it a "strategic partnership." He argued that cozying
up to — or as he called it, "engaging" — the communist Chinese was in
America's best interest. But while Clinton was engaging them, an
engagement that included inviting them into our defense labs and
dismantling export controls, Beijing:

• Managed to steal secrets to every nuclear warhead deployed in the U.S.
• Deployed for the first time an entire force of CSS-4 ICBMs that target
the continental U.S., from L.A. to New York and everything in between.
• Declared the U.S. enemy No. 1 in its military writings.
• Bought Russian destroyers armed with missiles designed to kill U.S.
• Built up its missile batteries across the Taiwan Strait.
• Infiltrated the CIA and FBI with spies.

The Chinese espionage that occurred on Clinton's watch was unprecedented,
and analysts still don't know how deep Chinese moles penetrated our
security complex.

The FBI warned President Clinton that the People's Republic of China was
running a massive intelligence operation against the U.S. government,
which included a plan to influence the 1996 election.

Clinton looked the other way. In fact, there's evidence he facilitated it
by throttling the prosecution of Chinese spy cases and covering up probes
into Chinese funny money that poured into his campaign.

As soon as Clinton took office, he implemented a policy of
"denuclearization." That included ending nuclear testing, kicking open the
defense labs to Chinese and other foreign scientists, and declassifying
hundreds of documents related to our nuclear program.

Clinton also deregulated export of sensitive dual-use technology such as
supercomputers and rocket guidance systems. And Beijing gleefully took
advantage of the dovish changes, sharpening the reliability of the
missiles it has aimed at the U.S. and Taiwan.

Clinton's open-door "engagement policy" amounted to rank appeasement of a
communist state with hegemonic military ambitions. Will Hillary carry on
the tradition? Will she, too, hold a high-tech fire sale for the Chinese?
One thing is for sure, Beijing and its bagmen are betting on it — big