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Thread: The Culture of Machismo in Mexico Harms Women

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    The Culture of Machismo in Mexico Harms Women

    I have posted this as a reply to another thread in Immigration News, but thought it might make an interesting General Discussion.

    Why does the liberal open borders crowd support, enable and encourage the the importation illegals from countries that have an entrenched culture "toxic masculinity" from South America?

    There are hundreds of stories in the ALIPAC archives of illegal alien violence against women with the latest being the Mollie Tibbetts murder. The open borders crowd makes excuses when these individuals practice the same femicide in this country that is common place in their home countries. Do the open borders Democrats consider the women and girls in this country to just be acceptable collateral damage in their quest for power?

    The Culture of Machismo in Mexico Harms Women

    Veronica Lira Ortiz

    Image via
    I was twelve years old, and a man on the street was already verbally harassing me. He looked at me as if I were a juicy steak instead of an innocent child.

    We all know that sexism is a problem, that women have not gained the opportunities and rights demanded by feminists for decades. However, we tend to suffer from the misconception that the feminist cause has worked equally in many places, that little by little we have eliminated certain practices, and that we have a further understanding of what equality is and why we need it. For some of us, sexism encounters a bigger problem deeply rooted in our historical narrative, making any change nearly impossible: machismo.

    Machismo is quite a singular word, for it’s not only defined as sexism or misogyny. Instead, it mostly refers to an attitude or conception that men are, by nature, superior to women. I’ve even heard people say that being a macho is positive because to be macho is to protect women. However, I’ve never understood this statement. Machismo reinforces the idea of women as second-class citizens whose rights and opportunities — even when included in public policies — are undermined in their households, in the streets, at school or work. It also perpetuates relations based on power and reflects the inequalities in the social, political and economic realm. It imposes specific ways of how to act and think, limiting female agency over their lives and bodies.

    My mother wanted to be a Marine Biochemist. In order to pursue this course of study, she had to move to the north of Mexico. She thought my grandparents would encourage her to follow her dreams as they did with her brothers, who had the opportunity to study away from home. Instead, my grandmother suggested she should study a “short and easy” major so she could “settle quickly.” She believed that a woman studying a science career while living alone and away from home was something scandalous. My grandparents genuinely thought they were protecting her by not letting her go. My mother studied Marketing, and she’s now quite good at what she does. Nonetheless, she will never forget how awful it felt not being able to study something you love because “you are the little lady of the house.”

    What is the outcome of this specific form of machismo? The latest set of data from the National Survey on Occupation and Employment showed that only 2 out of 10 engineers in Mexico are women. According to the AMMJE, Mexican working women destinate 70% of their salaries to their community and their household, while men only inject between 30 and 40% of their resources. Mexico remains one of the countries with the largest gender wage gap, being number 83 of 135 (WEF). Unsurprisingly, the WTO revealed that only about 4.2% of CEO positions in Latin America are occupied by females. The fact is that if at home we still make our children believe that women should not pursue the same careers as men or expect them not to be as independent, we won’t see any change in these statistics.

    “Oye bonita, ¿vienes sola? Yo te puedo acompañar a donde quieras.” (Hey pretty, are you alone? I can accompany you wherever you want). I was twelve years old, and a man on the street was already verbally harassing me.

    He looked at me as if I were a juicy steak instead of an innocent child. I realized why my mother didn’t let me go out alone or wear short dresses or skirts in public spaces. Some months ago, I heard someone sitting at a family dinner say: “Let’s be honest, women dress with short and tight clothes, because they want to be noticed or complimented. I don’t understand why they feel offended if we look at them; it is inevitable.” I couldn’t believe someone from my family would say that, neither could I believe that others agreed on such a statement.

    Every day in Mexico and all over Latin America, women have to put up with lascivious comments or other forms of street harassment. Catcalling is a universal issue, and countries like my own still joke about how to distinguish compliments and harassment. Machismo protects the aggressors by normalizing these conducts and not considering the implementation of consequences. A girl’s parents would teach her to be careful, to dress in a certain way to avoid harassers, to always walk with someone – preferably at male.

    If for several decades women have become more politically empowered, why is machismo still preventing full integration? In fact, more political female representation is not a true sign of full equality. The social infrastructure is still fragile, while the superstructure has not met with a radical ideological change. Inequality is as real as ever. In 2011, Enrique Peña Nieto —the current Mexican president— was asked during an interview about the price of a kilo of tortillas. His answer was quick,“I am not the lady of the house, I’m sorry. I guess it must be around 18 pesos.” The fact is, important men wielding political and social power continue to stand by damaging narratives about women’s positions in society, making even more problematic the disconnection of men with day to day activities, like buying tortillas. Furthermore, this aggression was considered a funny but reasonable comment. Comments falling within this realm continue to discredit women in politics and in other dimensions of power.

    My experiences are merely examples of how machismo works. I am not generalizing that all cases are the same; my sole intention is to introduce something as problematic as this into public conversation and awareness.

    Maybe you are a woman who can relate to any of these stories. Maybe you are a man who, without realizing, has contributed to machismo and made it harder for equality to actually happen. And maybe you are neither, you are a curious reader, a bystander. I just hope that after reading this you will worry as much as I do about the invisible practices feeding machismo on a regular basis. Machismo may not kill as quickly as a gunshot, but it is a silent and insidious torture

    Last edited by Newmexican; 08-24-2018 at 05:43 PM.
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    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Making a noise about machismo in Mexico

    By Katy WatsonBBC Mexico and Central America reporter
    20 May 2016

    Many Mexicans are fighting to stop all-too-common violence against women"Machismo has to die," chanted protesters as they walked through the centre of Mexico City last month.
    Thousands of people came out onto the streets to say enough was enough.

    The macho culture is all pervasive in Mexico and many of those at the march think its emphasis on male pride is a contributing factor in the high rates of violence against women that Mexico is experiencing.
    It is estimated that nine out of 10 women (link in Spanish) have been subjected to sexual violence, whether on the streets or at home.

    'Tired of the violence'

    "I'm here because I'm tired of the violence against women in Mexico," said Ana Carlota Velazquez, a student.

    "I'm tired of living it and hearing it happen to my friends, in the streets, on public transport, in university and at work."

    The women were joined by thousands of men. Many were carrying placards.

    "I need feminism too", read one. Another read: "Because she's my sister, my girlfriend, my wife."


    "We want to stay alive," other protesters shouted.

    The extreme end of gender violence is femicide, the intentional murder of a woman because she is a woman.

    Mexicans fed up with high levels of violence against women took to the streets

    It is a particular problem in Mexico. According to the country's National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women (CONAVIM), on average six women die a violent death each day (link in Spanish) in Mexico.

    Accurate figures are hard to come by. States differ in the way they collect data and in how honest they are with the figures.

    Even CONAVIM admitted getting accurate data was a challenge.

    This is made harder by the fact that it is hard to prove that a murder was committed because gender alone. As a result, femicides are massively under-reported.

    In a country where up to 99% of crimes go unsolved, many victims' families often do not go to authorities for help because they believe it will not change anything.

    Murdered in Mexico State

    Irinea Buendia's sign which shows a photo of her daughter translates as: "I did not kill myself. You killed me"

    Ciudad Juarez used to be known as the most violent city in Mexico, a city where hundreds of women went missing.

    But Ecatepec, part of poor Mexico State on the edge of the capital, has now surpassed the reputation Ciudad Juarez once had.

    Irinea Buendia lives in Mexico State, not far from Ecatepec. She says her daughter Mariana was killed by her husband.

    He had a history of violence and had threatened to kill her. But when Mariana was found hanged in the marital home, her death was recorded as a suicide.

    "The first thing they say is 'what did you daughter do for him to treat her like that? What did she do to make him kill her?'," Ms Buendia tells me.

    "But men don't own women. Just because there's a problem in a relationship or in a marriage doesn't mean that murder is the answer."

    Therapy - is it hard to be a man?

    On the other side of Mexico state, a workshop is trying to tackle the root of the problem.

    A group of men - and two women - are sitting in a classroom, with a psychologist at the whiteboard.

    "Is it hard to be a man?" he asks the class.

    There is a real mix of responses from the participants. One breaks down as he tries to explain his point of view.

    Another says no, if you know how to behave decently, it should not be hard at all.

    One of the participants, Alberto Trinidad Martinez Nava, was sentenced to 28 years in prison for raping and killing two women.

    He is now free and says his attitude has changed.

    "It was all about me," he says. "Machismo - it was just me, me, me. I belittled women. I had that bad attitude that women would be under my control but I know that not to be true now."

    'Violence is accepted'

    "If we only focus on the victim, the perpetrator will continue to be violent in new relationships," says Marisol Zarco Reyes, a psychologist at Mexico State Council for Women.

    "Sadly, perpetrators of domestic violence are born seducers so they finish one relationship and move on to the next so we saw the need to focus on them, too."

    Alberto Trinidad Martinez Nava served a prison term for the rape and murder of two women
    "Getting them to admit they are the perpetrators of violence is half the process," says Ms Zarco.

    "Unfortunately in our society, violence is accepted. They are taught that violence is the way to keep power."

    The issue of gender violence is a worldwide problem but Ms Zarco says there is a cultural problem particular to Mexico, too.

    "Machismo is a hegemonic model of masculinity in Mexico," she says.

    "The man who shouts, who has to hit people to show his power. Yes, there's machismo in Mexico."

    'Ongoing struggle'

    The workshop is part of a bigger initiative called Mexico State for a Life without Violence, which supports women who are vulnerable to domestic abuse.

    According to a victims' agency run by the government, 90% of victims of sexual violence are women.

    And for women like Ms Buendia, the struggle against the culture of violence goes on.

    After five years of campaigning, the Mexican Supreme Court last year ordered her daughter's death to be re-investigated from a gender perspective.

    It is a move that Ms Buendia thinks could be hugely significant for many other cases that have also not been investigated as femicides.

    These are small steps in a country where a lack of resources - and many say a lack of will - have meant crimes against women have gone unpunished.
    But they are progress nonetheless.
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  3. #3
    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Where women are killed by their own families

    By Candace PietteBBC News, Guatemala City
    5 December 2015

    Video at Link.

    Every year an estimated 66,000 women are murdered worldwide. One of the countries with the highest rate of violence against women is Guatemala - so why is it such a dangerous place to be female?

    "We are being killed by our fathers, brothers, stepfathers… the very people who are supposed to care for us," says Rebeca Lane, a feminist rapper in Guatemala City.

    "Most of us have to live violence in silence so when someone hits us or screams at us we just close our eyes and let go. We have to join other women and talk about it so we know this is not OK, this is not normal."

    When Lane was 15, she got involved with an older man who was not only controlling, but also physically and sexually abusive. "He knew what he was doing. He isolated me from my family and friends. I know what it is to live with violence from an early age," she says. The relationship lasted for three years.

    Now she uses her music to campaign for women's rights. "Poetry saved my life. When I started to write it was vital to my recovery," she says. Her best-known song, Mujer Lunar - Lunar Woman - is a lyrical call for respect for women's bodies, lives and independence.

    She has also run hip-hop workshops for young mothers in Guatemala City to teach them their rights and how to deal with the kind of abuse she endured.

    November's International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, in Guatemala City

    Guatemala has the third highest femicide rate in the world (after El Salvador and Jamaica) - between 2007 and 2012 there were 9.1 murders for every 100,000 women according to the National Guatemalan Police. And last year 846 women were killed in a population of little more than 15 million, says the State Prosecutors Office.

    It seems the reason for this lies in the country's brutal past. Lane's main inspiration as a feminist activist is the aunt after whom she is named. She never met her father's sister, but her story helps draw a direct line between the social instability of today and Guatemala's 36-year civil war.

    Lane's aunt disappeared in 1981 after she joined left-wing guerrillas fighting the military government. Around the time Lane's aunt died, news began to filter out of the rape, torture and murder of tens of thousands of women and girls - mostly from indigenous Mayan communities accused of supporting the insurgents.

    More than a decade later, a UN-sponsored report said this abuse had been generalised and systematic - it estimated that 25% or 50,000 of the victims of Guatemala's war were women.

    Sexual violence was "at very high levels and used as a tool of war", says Helen Mack, of the Myrna Mack Foundation. "The stereotype was that women were used for sex and seen as an object, to serve families, and this continues today."

    Mack's sister, Myrna - after whom the human rights organisation is named - died after she was stabbed in the street by a military death squad in 1990. Myrna had uncovered the extent of the physical and sexual violence the army had used against Mayan communities.

    During the conflict, an army of around 40,000 men and a civilian defence force of approximately one million were trained to commit acts of violence against women. When the war ended and these men returned home, they got no help in readjusting.

    Mack believes they redirected their aggression towards their wives, mothers and girlfriends - a culture of violence towards women and an expectation of impunity, which still persists today, developed.

    "This week we received a phone call from a woman. Her husband had driven his car over her several times to make sure she was dead," says Mack.

    "She survived and was brought to Guatemala City where she is being treated for her injuries. But her husband would not let go - he sent his father to her bedside to threaten her so that she didn't report the attack to the courts."

    In Mack's experience, it is common for women to be threatened in this way or even killed by their attackers. Violence against women is still considered a domestic matter, she says, despite new laws against femicide and other forms of violence against women. In 2008 Guatemala became the first country to officially recognise femicide - the murder of a woman because of her gender - as a crime.

    Helen Mack - her sister was stabbed in the street in 1990"

    The difference in Guatemala between the murder of a woman and of a man is that the woman is made to suffer before death, she is raped, mutilated and beaten," says the country's Attorney General Thelma Aldana.

    Aldana is trying to change attitudes towards victims who are often blamed for the abuse they receive. "A few years ago the police and forensic investigators would arrive on a crime scene and say, "Look how she is dressed - that is why they killed her [or] she was coming out of a disco at 1am - she was asking for it."

    In 2011, when she was president of the Supreme Court, Aldana helped establish a network of special tribunals and courts across Guatemala to deal with femicide cases.
    "The justice system can do a lot to change culture," she says.

    "We asked women to come forward and break the silence. Femicide and other forms of violence against women are now the crimes that are most reported in the country, with an average of 56,000 reports a year - this includes rape, sexual violence, physical and economic violence and murder."

    There are now femicide tribunals in 11 of the country's 22 departments or provinces where the judges and police officers receive gender crime training.

    The State Prosecutor's office doesn't have the capacity to take on every case it receives, so has to choose the ones with the strongest evidence.

    This year only 3,366 were successfully heard in the femicide courts. In 2013, in the 3,560 cases that went to trial, only 1,460 sentences were handed out.

    Although the bodies of five murdered women were found in the area around Guatemala City in just one week in November, Helen Mack thinks there is progress.

    "In the last 10 years we have been moving forward, at least women are now talking," she says, pointing to a generation of women judges and activists who have been pushing change.

    "In my sister's case, it only moved forward because the judges who had the courage to deal with it were women. Guatemala has shown that in different areas of the political spectrum, women have had more courage and commitment than the men to deal with the country's problems."
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    Super Moderator Newmexican's Avatar
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    Struggling with sexism in Latin America

    By Katy WatsonBBC Mexico and Central America reporter
    18 August 2015

    I have one particularly large wrinkle between my eyebrows I put down to scowling while living in Mexico in my 20s, trying to ward off the hisses and catcalls in the street.

    There was one day, though, when I dropped the scowl and chose another tactic.

    A scorching summer afternoon, I had popped into a corner shop to buy some water.

    As I waited to cross the road, two men in a van started to shout out remarks about my body.

    I tried to ignore it, but then something inside me snapped.

    I removed the lid of my water bottle and squeezed the entire ice-cold contents in their faces.

    The comments certainly stopped, and I felt a whole lot better.

    A few years later, I moved to the Middle East. At first, it felt like the polar opposite of Latin America.


    The cliched image of women in Saudi Arabia...

    ...compared with that in Brazil

    A region where men and women do not always interact and where the cliched image of a woman veiled from head-to-toe in black could not be further removed from the equally cliched image of women in bikinis during the Rio Carnival.
    But look beyond the obvious, and the two regions have much in common when it comes to the role of women.

    Protecting women's honour is a fundamental part of Middle Eastern culture, and it is often used as an excuse for preventing women from having equal rights as men.

    You need a man to drive you places in Saudi Arabia, and you need the permission of a male guardian to travel.

    One by one, rules limit the way women can live freely.

    I often thought about how this compared with the machista culture so prevalent in Latin America - a concept that emphasises manliness.

    My Portuguese teacher once tried to explain the difference between sexism and machismo. "Sexism is bad," he said, "but machismo isn't - it's a way of protecting women." I am still struggling to find the positive differences to be honest.
    Whether it is honour or so-called machismo, the end result is the same. Women become second-class citizens.

    But it can be a hard one to crack, says feminist Catalina Ruiz-Navarro who is Colombian and lives in Mexico City. Men in Latin America are often proud of being machista and many women like their "protective" macho men.

    "It's a very Latin belief," she says. "If he isn't being jealous and possessive he doesn't want to be with you and he doesn't love you. Men are taught to be this way and women are taught to want it."

    What is freedom?

    Since moving back to Latin America, I have lost count of the times I have been asked what it was like as a woman living in the Middle East. "It must have been so hard," people say. To be honest, living in cities such as Mexico City can often feel harder.

    While many of my female friends have smiled knowingly at my response, others flatly reject it. "Women here are free," said one. "What's wrong with being complimented in the street? They are appreciating our beauty," said another.

    If your "freedom" on the way to work is curtailed by threatening sexual comments, and you are made to feel like an object and not a human being, I question whether that is true liberty.

    Having recently spent some time in the Cuban capital, Havana, constantly being hissed at, the word that comes to mind is more "trapped" than "free".

    Depressing data

    Wherever you look, the statistics are depressing.

    In Egypt, female genital mutilation has been banned since 2008 - but government figures show that over 90% of women in Egypt under 50 have experienced FGM.

    A 2013 UN study indicated that 99.3% of Egyptian women had experienced some kind of sexual harassment.

    But dig around and the statistics in Latin America are pretty grim too.

    The public transport system in Colombia's capital, Bogota, was recently ranked the most dangerous in the world for women

    A recent survey by YouGov for the Thomson Reuters Foundation indicated that of the most dangerous public transport systems for women in the world, the top three were in Latin America:

    • Bogota
    • Mexico City
    • Lima

    In Mexico City, they have tried to curb harassment by introducing women-only carriages on the metro, although to mixed success - I often see men getting on in those areas, ignored by authorities.

    Women and the law

    Latin America has made massive steps - it has female leaders in several countries including Argentina, Chile and Brazil. And Latin American countries signed the Convention of Belem do Para in 1994, which committed countries to improving women's rights and influenced several laws on violence against women.

    But law is one thing, reality is another.

    In neither Latin America or the Middle East does the law adequately protect women against sexual violence.

    In the United Arab Emirates there have been cases of women who have reported rape and ended up being thrown in jail, accused of extra-marital sex.

    But countries such as Brazil and Mexico are in the top 10 most dangerous countries to be a woman.

    Mural reading: "No more femicides", in Ecatepec, Mexico State
    Dangers faced by women in Latin America

    • According to the UN, a woman is assaulted every 15 seconds in Brazil's biggest city, Sao Paulo
    • In Mexico, it is estimated more than 120,000 women are raped a year - that is one every four minutes
    • According to Mexico's Femicide Observatory, 1,258 girls and women were reported to have disappeared between 2011 and 2012 in the State of Mexico alone. Between 2011 and 2013, 840 women were killed, 145 of these killings were investigated as femicides
    • Some 53% of Bolivian women aged 15-49 have reported physical or sexual violence in their lives, according to the Pan American Health Organization
    • About 38% of women in Ecuador say wife-beating is justified for at least one reason

    This is not an essay limiting the issues of sexism to Latin America and the Middle East. Far from it. This is about my experience working in both Latin America and the Middle East as a woman - the parallels, the peculiarities and the paradoxes.
    I fully realise this is a global issue that has many realities in different societies - rich and poor, conservative and liberal. Indeed, many of my friends in the Middle East and Latin America look at Europe as a place to learn from.

    But not long ago a British colleague in his 30s showed surprise when I told him my partner was relocating because of my job. He replied: "But surely when you have babies, you will start following him?"

    He was lucky he did not get that bottle of water over his face too.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member stoptheinvaders's Avatar
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    Does CNN and Yahoo news think we will be more accepting of the illegals if that illegal also has "Toxic masculinity"?

    They blew it with this approach, big time!
    You've got to Stand for Something or You'll Fall for Anything

  6. #6
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Look at all the "Toxic Masculinity" invading Europe and all coming from Africa and the Middle East by the BOAT LOADS! They have serious rape, terrorism and severe problems. Those citizens are not safe and neither are we.






  7. #7
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Thank you Newmexican for this thread. Americans are in danger from illegal immigration and from certain threats common to the culture in Mexico.
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  8. #8
    Moderator Beezer's Avatar
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    Go "diversify" their countries. We don't want them.

    They can build America on their soil.

    These women are being killed and attacked by the boys and MEN they gave birth to. You stupid women need to get on birth control.

    This is what the U.N. should be doing. NOT dumping these people on our backs with NO effort to solve their problems.

    That is part of their problem. A culture deep rooted in these violent, SICK, men running these countries.

    No more of them coming to the USA...we ARE diversified...they are NOT.





  9. #9
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Mexico – 2018

    Mexico is number two on our list of Eight Most Dangerous Countries for Women Travelers due to its Global Peace Index (GPI) rating of 140 (out of 163), with the GPI’s Mexico report noting that violent crime had increased 15.2 % in 2017, the homicide rate increased 25%, and the government’s capacity to contain the violence is quite weak.

    Government Alerts

    Most countries warn its citizens against travel to all or most of Mexico. The Australian government’s smart traveler site recommends using a high degree of caution for travel anywhere in Mexico due to a high level of violent crime and drug related violence. Homicide rates in the states of Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo have risen sharply in recent years, including in areas frequented by tourists. The US State Department echoes these warning and provides highly specific info of travel threats by state and city. New Zealand also warns its travelers to beware of the same issues, particularly noting kidnapping, armed robbery, and sexual assault. They also note that in late February, 2018, an explosive device detonated on a tourist ferry operating between Playa del Carmen and Cozumel, Quintana Roo. The explosion injured 20 people, including tourists. On March 1, 2018 local authorities found an undetonated device on another ferry operating on the same route.

    For women, it’s so terrible that women in Mexico City staged a Day of the Dead March carrying photos of their murdered sisters, daughters, and friends to pressure the government to do more to combat the culture of impunity that allows killers to relax since the government doesn’t bother to investigate such crimes. In fact, the rate of female homicides has more than doubled over the last decade, according to Mexican statistics. Women aren’t the only victims. At the end of 2017, Mexico had experienced 25,000 homicides, the highest rate since Mexico began keeping statistics.

    Pollution is an issue in some areas; for example, Mexico City has such heavy air pollution levels that some residents have lost their sense of smell. As well, there are natural hazards due to the earthquakes in 2017 and February 2018, which caused deaths, damage to infrastructure and interruptions to essential services in the state of Puebla, Mexico City and the states of Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca, Guerrero, and south of Mexico that are still ongoing issues. Malaria and Zika virus are widespread throughout Mexico as well as water and food-borne illnesses.

    If you still want to go to Mexico, the Aussies have lowered the risk level for travel to the Monarch butterfly reserves in the State of Michoacán, as the reserves are accessed from the State of Mexico and are insulated from the rest of the State of Michoacán. Also, there are no restrictions on U.S. government employees for stays in the following tourist areas in Jalisco state: Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Chapala, and Ajijic.

    Conclusion: Perhaps you are thinking it would be better to go where a woman can travel freely and safely, if so, please refer to our 10 Safest Countries for Women Travelers, Best Countries in Africa, Best Places in Oceania, Best Countries in South America and Best and Worst of North America.

    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  10. #10
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    This is why I am against allowing the cultures of aliens to be allowed to flourish in this country. Theoretically, they immigrate here to get away from that culture that they fear or don't like. This goes to religious values as well, such as following Sharia Law, which encourages the proliferation of this machismo, and the migration of it to this country.

    And that is not limited to illegal aliens. Gangs have been tolerated far too long. Many are formed from rival cultures holding over from legal immigrants who do no assimilate to the culture of this country. While legal immigrants, because they had to learn English and work to become legal immigrants, carry less of their culture with them than illegal aliens who don't have such screening, the cultural practices, such as honor killing, lead to a higher abuse of women by all immigrants.

    To become an American must be to change your values, not your location.

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