Christianity verses Islam.

The Islam faith requires a person to give part of their income to the poor. All wealth belongs to Allah. when a person loose their support system they are given money from a fund for that use. Islam requires it’s people to take care of their poor. Their debts are also wiped out when that support is lost. A person willing gives, that which is over what it take for their support, to a container in their home that when it is full is taken to the distributor who gives it to the poor.
Hezbollah has immediately, after the war, instituted by Israel, began to help the people whose lives were destroyed..
The families of suicide bombers have lost their support system and the fact that Saddam gave $25,000 to the families was the right thing to do for the families and not necessary to support terrorist. This money was not given directly to the terrorist.
The bible does not teach this kind of giving and compassion. We do just the opposite . We make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. Bush has cut every social services needed by the poor
(For instance, FEMA made someone $500,000,000 richer by buying mobile homes intended for Katrina victims and they never received them.
The Bushites twist things around to fit their beliefs that Saddam supported the terrorist. There is no evidence of that. We have invaded Iraq and is the direct cause of the suffering of it’s people. We do not compensate families of those Iraqis we have killed in that invasion and do not want to compensate our own who have lost families members in Iraq.
What does the bible teach of compassion and the poor. We are the most selfish country toward our own. Our poor in New Orleans and other cities are constantly attacked as being poor welfare dependents. Blacks had a hard time getting jobs and now even harder since the flood of illegals .
In the same year, Georgia taxpayers paid $27 million for 11,188 anchor baby hospital births. Georgia taxpayers paid a whopping $242 million for educating illegal alien kids in 2003. What is it in your state?
What are the consequences? One in two adult African-Americans in New York is unemployed. African-American children’s poverty grew by 50 percent since 1999. Why? Their dads can’t find work.
The bible say “the poor will always be among us.” with Welfare Reform, no one gets welfare and stays on indefinitely. The poor in New Orleans do work.
The bushites are the blame for all the mess we are in today and shame of them.
We want to force Evangical Christianity and democracy in the middle east and the middle east fight it in any way necessary, I the same way we would if they invaded our country and tried to force Islam down our throats.