Quote Originally Posted by Bowman
Quote Originally Posted by CrocketsGhost
There is nothing to repeal. The debate which determined the legislative intent of the verbiage of the jurisdiction clause of Amendment XIV is a matter of public record. It was never the intent of the authors of the amendment that the children of foreign nationals, travellers or transients be granted citizenship. Period. We don't need a new law, we don't need ot repeal a law, we just need to enforce the law as it was written.
I think you meant enforce the law as the Senators who wrote it intended, since there is nothing written in the 14th Amendment itself which indicates their intentions. They could have helped us by writing more of their intentions into it, but how could they have foreseen an invasion and US government corruption of this magnitude?
There are statements of legislative intent that are part of the Congressional Record that are considered part and parcel to any law passed by Congress, including amendments.