It is clear to me that any effort made to defeat the Senate bill will be ineffective. The President has the support of Democrats and weak, spineless Republicans. As far as I am concerned we have already lost this battle and the cost is more than the U.S. can bear. If amnesty is granted to the 12 million illegal aliens after 6 years, the face of the nation will be changed for generations to come. Once they are legal, they will be able to bring their families in swelling the population by approximately 40 million. They will dillute the voting base making Mexicans %25 of eligable voters. The American border, language, and culture will be compromised beyond repair. Federal and State government will force the American people to pay for housing, education, food, prisons, social security, and healthcare to an uneducated segment of the population. The financial strain may very well break the American people. The end result is a Communist form of government. Yes, I said Communist. The organizers of illegal alien protests were communists. There is a worldwide communist revolution quietly growing. Russia, China, Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Argentina are gaining power and inflluence. Vicente Fox is likely to be defeated in an election by a communist candidate. The nuce of communism is slowly tightening around the throat of Americans as we are being surrounded and infiltrated. Do you feel it? Do you see it? Groups like the ACLU (founded by Communists) seek to destroy the American culture by perverting the Constitution and our laws. China and other South American countries seek to destroy us economically. In order to defeat an enemy in war you must do two things.
1. Destroy the enemies will to fight (Culture)
2. Destroy the enemies ability to wage war (Economy)

I did not mean to go on such a long rant but the signs are there. I feel threatened. I end with a passage from the Declaration of Independence.

"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Thomas Jefferson 1776"