Our Republican governor, Bill Owens, has come up for a breath of air on immigration. There was going to be a petition on our ballot in November to deny services to illegals. Well the Supreme Court threw the petition off the ballot. The justices, mostly LIBERAL DEMOCRATS, had approved the same initiative a year ago or so.

The justice who wrote the opinion opposing and throwing the petition out is named MARTINEZ.

So Owens, peeved because these justices are denying the voters the chance to vote, is calling a special session of the legislature to deal with the matter. The legislature, controlled by DEMOCRATS, are saying that this special session will cost taxpayers $15,000 a day. Yes and ILLEGALS are costing Colorado $200,000 a day at least. Perhaps $1 Billion a year!

One of these DEMOCRAT Congressmen, named VIGIL, wanted in state tuition for the illegals!

Again, as much as Bush is a fraud on this issue the DEMOCRATS are even WORSE! Much worse!

Why do Democrats love ILLEGALS more than citizens? The next time you hear how the Democrats care about working people don't believe it! The new scab is the ILLEGAL immigrant!