The brutal killing of an Ecuadoran man named Marcelo Lucero in Patchogue, NY recently has brought out the worst hate rhetoric we've seen in a while here on Long Island. And it's all coming from the so-called pro-immigrant camp. The Reverand Allan Ramirez, who aspires to become the latino Al Sharpton, has, right on cue, accused Suffolk Co Executive Steve Levy of having blood on his hands. The brother of the victim is echoing that idea. Steve Levy, Democrat, who enjoys support from most conservatives and liberals alike in Suffolk Co is guilty of enforcing the law against using illegals on tax-payer funded county projects. Steve Levy has nothing to do with the illegal vs legal debate; he only enforces the law. Clearly, the reason he did win re-election by a landslide last time is because the vast majority of people want the illegals out of their neighborhoods, their schools, their medical care facilities. As much as the Allan Ramirez's scream racism at those who want our laws enforced, it doesn't make people like me racist. ... .html?_r=1

I invite anyone who sits at a desk at the NY Times and writes yet another editorial slamming Steve Levy (and the people of Long Island) and accusing him of creating a climate of hate, to come and see Farmingville and Patchogue, NY. Come and see what has happened to these two towns in the last few years. The illegals from Central and South America who have moved in and made these towns their own have destroyed them. Come and see the trash thrown out of car windows, come and see the neighborhoods where the houses are bursting with a bunch of so-called workers, come and see the hordes of men sleeping on lawns, public parks, relieving themselves on the roads in the middle of the day. Look at the rate of violent crime against women and girls that seems a part of the machismo culture. Live here, and then just maybe you're entitled to write an editorial.

The killing of Lucero was a disgusting crime. He was first a human being, and may have been here legally-I don't know. But it doesn't alter the fact that many, many of his countrymen are here illegally, they are stealing jobs, they're living a tax-free life, they commit violent crimes at a rate much higher than the average American and they obviously do not deserve a path to legal status. The people who come here illegally are not nice people. They should all be sent back to their home countries, and I don't care how much it costs do do it.