Coming to America: What the Gang of Tr8ors Will Have Wrought

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

McCain’s Friends

In the last several years, conservatives have grown accustomed to the feeling of a knife in their backs as the Republican Party’s elites have seemed intent upon subversion of the party’s ideals. Pledges and campaign promises are seldom honored, and elected Republicans have seemed to simply go to Washington DC with their own agendas that do not comport or comply with all of the things they had said. Part of its cause is surely the fact that many are simply lying, power-hungry politicians who lied for conservative support, but with the turn of events over the current immigration reform bill, it seems as though there must be something else. The immigration reform bill being debated in the Senate is a writ of suicide not merely for the Republican Party, but for the whole country, and yet most Republican Senators seem unfazed. The bill isn’t merely bad. It’s not a mistake. It’s a monstrous attempt to reorganize the country by redefining what it means to be an American and how one goes about qualifying for that privilege. These Republican Senators aren’t merely abandoning the party platform, but are instead announcing to the world their intention to betray America.

Radio talk show host Dana Loesch has been doing fantastic work via Twitter, laying out how provisions of this bill will absolutely destroy any checks on illegal immigration by effectively legalizing everything. Ted Cruz has also tweeted a number of troubling details, and this includes particularly the despicable, wolf-in-sheeps-clothing Corker-Hoeven Amendment. You may remember their complaints about how visa over-stays are one of the primary methods of entry for illegal immigrants, apart from our porous Southern border, but under this ridiculous legislation, they cure that problem by permitting people who over-stay their visas to restart the process without penalty and without leaving the country. As if that’s not bad enough, they’re actually creating an office for civil rights to advise illegal immigrants under the law. Can I get an office of tax non-compliance for the day I finally decide to stop paying my tax burden? What’s next? Strip maps to the best penetration points in Southwest Texas?

Worst of all, they talk about doubling the number of border agents, but that’s only a fraction of the problem. What is actually needed is a quadrupling of ICE agents working in the interior of the country with the authority to apprehend and deport illegals. Stopping them at the border would be great, but where we need real help is finding them once they’re well inside our country and booting them the Hell out! Of course, all of this relies on the diligence of the Obama administration along with subsequent administrations in enforcing the law. In other words, if t his bill passes the Senate, and Boehner rigs any immigration bill to pass the House, we’ll be screwed [again] when the conference bill comes back for final passage.

These people have decided to foist this on us one way or the other, so that they can pay off their corporate cronies, who want cheaper labor by the millions. If you haven’t called your Senators, I need to ask you why you’re delaying. They’re voting on the Corker-Hoeven amendment on Monday morning, so as to offer cover to those who vote for it now in the Senate, and those who will vote for the conference bill in both Houses. My response is this, and it’s simple, it doesn’t mean much, but it’s the stance I’m taking: I will consider each and every member of either House who supports this abomination as guilty of treason against the United States, its constitution, and the American people.

When the “Gang-of-Tr8ors” brought this amnesty bill to the floor, they already had patsies lined up to support it, including Corker and Hoeven who they will use to “amend” the bill, making it even more obnoxious. Readers have asked in comments, or in emails, and on Facebook too why it is that there are so many Republicans who would sell out their country, and while the reasons probably vary somewhat from member to member, the fact is that there are only two reasons these worthless scum-bags would act to destroy their party and their country in one fell swoop: The money is substantial and/or they’re really liberal Democrats of the Arlen Specter inclination anyway.

Think about it, if you will: These people are building a one-party country and government, and the party isn’t “Republican,” and surely not conservative. Even though roughly 40% of the country claims to be conservative, these people have figured out the formula for winning and making the wishes of that 40% of the population irrelevant, and even to make them a smaller group as a share of the population, which they will increase by something on the order of 22-35 million by virtue of this immigration bill, at least two-thirds of whom will vote Democrat reliably in election after election. One could perhaps understand an old fool like John McCain who probably won’t run for re-election in 2016, but for the other guys, younger Senators like Rubio and Flake, there must be some other motive. If it’s not corporate money[alone], what could it be? They either have interests we do not know, or they’re positioning themselves to become Democrats.

Compared to these guys, Benedict Arnold was a saint. He conspired to give away the fort at West Point to the British for a commission. These bastards are giving away the entire country. Writing of Benedict Arnold after his treason was exposed, Benjamin Franklin said:

“Judas sold only one man, Arnold three millions.”

If this is so, then what must we say of our Republican sell-outs? How many millions do these people now betray? How many Americans will now pay ad infinitum for the designs of these men and women? Examining this bill, and all of the provisions that do absolutely nothing to stem the tide of future illegal immigrants except to legalize their actions, one cannot conclude that these Senators have the best interests of the nation at heart, and claims that they’re acting from some sort of compassionate motive simply doesn’t square with the misery they are inflicting on the nation at large. To Hell with them. I’ll be damned if I let the days pass without bombarding them with my view on their treason. The only good news is that they’re under fire, and they know it. We’re having an effect, and none should despair yet. The fight goes on until the DC class manages to park this bill on Obama’s desk, and I’m not giving away my country without a fight.