Complacency And Godlessness Goes Together

JULY 17, 2013

These are the times we have been warned about for decades, ignored by almost every American. There are so many Americans who refuse to get involved with the political process, and too many of those who do are haters of the nation that has given them more opportunities than any other nation on earth. It seems that there are parents who are just not interested in saving a future for their children. We have indeed become a complacent and evil society. To not cast a vote against the killing of babies and gay marriage, one is complicit and thus as guilty as the perpetrators of the sins that plague the nation.

Yes, I place the blame for the evil on those who are too ignorant to care, and the stupidity of those same fools who cannot grow a backbone and stand up for the nation and the future.

I am not interested in your approval, nor am I interested in your self-righteous indignation at my lack of political correctness, when I say that the weak-minded and narcissistic piece of human trash some voted for is only a reflection of the worth of the voter who brought this plague upon us all. If you indeed are still supportive of the punk-in-chief, then you are indeed part of the problem with the nation.

Obama is the worst excuse for a president this country has ever known, and I do not care if he is the first black person (unwilling to call him a man) in that office. I would not care if he was colored gold; he would still draw flies like the crap pile he is. You would have to go to the ends of the earth to find anyone less politically correct than myself because I just do not care for what political correctness has done to our children’s future. The results of the support Obama has given to the enemy of America will come back upon us like a plague, and those who cannot see that the Muslim Brotherhood he sends F-16 fighter jets to are supporters of terrorist groups that kill innocent people of God are blind by choice.

A great American once said that extremism in defense of liberty is no vice; and moderation, in pursuit of justice is no virtue. I would also add that another American hero, Allen West, was right when he said that to win, you must attack like a shark that smells blood in the water. Indeed, there is blood in the water, and it is the blood of the innocent the leftists claim to protect.

Do yourself a favor tonight before you go to sleep, and try praying to God. I am sure you remember who He is, and I know He will remember who you were. If you can close your eyes and picture the rape of a nine month old beautiful baby girl (who died as a result) in California recently by an illegal piece of trash that would not have been there in the first place if Obama was doing his job, and not feel something (or picture the sixteen year old raped and beaten to death by another illegal using a piece of asphalt, and not feel something), then you are not a person at all. Think about it, and ask God for a soul.