I read briefly the article of the ALIPAC Dems complaining about the lack of representation in the candidate endorsements. Well, what did you expect? Have you not been following the news the last few months? The Pelosi Party loves illegals. Actually, they love all mankind, accept for those that speak out against them or their policies (or lack thereof).

The Complainocrats did not win this election. The Elitists in the Republican Party lost it. How dare they abandon the conservative values that supposedly make up the base!!! What structured policies have the Crats put forward to attract voters? None. Basically the campaign message was "We aren't Republicans!", and that was fine with America. I don't know who was more clueless: The voters who couldn't see the lack of substance in the Democrat campaign or the Elitists who lost touch with the values of America (and the vote).

Fox News could try to spin it all they want. They keep saying many of the Dems elected are conservatives or moderates. Perhaps, but their leadership is LIBERAL, and when they need that conservative Dem's vote, you know they'll get it. I know I'm sounding like a Complainocrat, but the difference is that I actually have an alternative. First, Ken Mehlman must go as RNC chair and replaced by a conservative, not by an elitist. I think one of these conservative talk hosts would be great, as they actually listen to the people on a daily basis. Second, Donald Rumsfeld must resign, or be fired. I'd like to see Colin Powell in that place, but I doubt that will happen. It must be someone willing to listen to our generals in the Middle East and allow them to do their job. That is only a start but it's a start none the less.

As for illegal immigration, I hope that within the next two years, some common sense enters into the Halls of Congress. Amnesty, Guest Worker Programs...they don't work. The American people don't want it. The Republicans were far too busy fighting against the complaints of War in Iraq to deal with illegal immigration, so that was never truly a factor in this campaign. Just ask Randy Graf. Besides, the elitists are out of touch, as well, with their Guest Worker Programs and other "comprehensive" plans. What a shame! The RNC and elitist republicans should be ashamed of themselves.

Now, more than ever, the following plea has its greatest significance: GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!