There is strength in numbers. There are a considerable number of anti-illegal-immigration groups out there (not a few of which I am a member). Maybe we can focus on uniting and strengthening for a much more cohesive and effective fight. After all, that's what the much-hated ACLU and LA RAZA and numerous other successful activist groups have done. It takes talk, but it also takes ACTION. We need visibility and we need numbers. We also need organization.

Anyone interested? I will voice this need with the other groups of which I am a humble member, however I have no leadership role in any of them.

Any leaders out there??

P.S. We have got to throw that "Racist" moniker right back at them, and add a few of our own, like "unpatriotic" or something, to succeed. La Raza, even though they are one of the most racist orgs. I've ever known, have used that R word very successfully to their advantage. We need to nip that in the bud.