Here's the correct history for the next time you run into one of those knuckle headed pro-illegal immigrants or sympathizers:

Here are the facts: Texans fought for and won independence from Mexico on April 26, 1836 following its victory over the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Nine years later, in December of 1845, the U.S. annexed the Texas republic. Congress sent General Zachary Taylor to Texas to protect its border with Mexico.

Mexico claimed the Rio Grande River as "their territory." After a series of attacks and clashes with Mexican troops inside the Texas territory, Congress declared war on Mexico May 13, 1846.

Hostilities continued for two years as General Taylor Scott led American troops to engage Mexican forces in New Mexico, California, and deep into Mexico. Mexico City was captured by General Scott in August of 1847.

February 2, 1848 Mexican officials and U.S. representatives signed a peace treaty known as "THE TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO."

The provisions of that treaty called for Mexico to cede to the U.S. 55 percent of its territory (that is present day Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas and parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah) - this in exchange for $15-18 million in compensation for war-related damage to Mexican property.

The U.S. Senate ratification of the treaty, U.S. forces then left Mexico City.

There you have it. There are the facts. Either accept the facts or continue living a lie.

The U.S. did not steal anything from Mexico; the former Mexican territory was won by the blood of young Americans like the ones who fought World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, and are now engaged in Iraq. The seven southwestern states are American land, not "their land."

This despite what the pro-Mexican and Hispanic racist groups like La Raza, Aztlan, Lulac and La Mecha teach their uninformed young Spanish-speaking students in our own American public schools. Shame, shame, shame!

It is exactly how Adolf Hitler indoctrinated his people to kill anyone who opposed the German view of the world as he shouted, "Deutschland Uber Alles lebersraum!" (Germany over all and living room!). This is KKK American Nazi or Black Panther talk.