You are reading the 1,500th post to American Rattlesnake, a project which began in the febrile imagination of my friend and colleague, Michel Evanchik. If you had told me in 2010 that over half a decade later this website would exist, let alone be flourishing, I would have scoffed.

Those of you who are regulars know how fond I am of hyperlinking useful information that illustrates a relevant point. One of the discoveries you make while curating these old posts is how ephemeral this medium is, as many of the sites linked to have long since disappeared into the Internet ether. The fact that we continue to make our voices heard in one of the most important election cycles in living memory is an achievement in itself.

This project began in the wake of SB 1070, a controversial Arizona law designed to punish, rather than reward, illegal aliens living in that state. Although the intent of this law was supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans, the political backlash it engendered among the ethnic grievance industry and the hispandering political class-as well as their stenographers in the news media-made it clear to us that we needed a venue to amplify the beliefs and concerns of ordinary American citizens. The idea of actually upholding and enforcing our nation’s immigration laws was untenable to the corporate-collectivist axis which has governed American immigration policy for the past half-century, which is why they directed their concentrated fury upon the one woman courageous enough to defy them.