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Thread: Cruz’s scheme to sink Trump in California

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  1. #1
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Cruz’s scheme to sink Trump in California

    Cruz’s scheme to sink Trump in California

    As we saw in Colorado — and North Dakota, and Louisiana, and elsewhere — Team Cruz is much, much better than Team Trump at understanding and taking advantage of each state’s distinctive primary or caucus rules to maximize its delegate tally.

    But in California — the last and largest primary on the calendar — Cruz’s strategic superiority won’t just help the Texan pick up a few extra delegates. It could actually prove to be the difference between Trump clinching the nomination outright or falling short at the 11th hour, which would trigger a contested convention.

    No wonder Cruz took a break Monday from campaigning in New York to visit Irvine and San Diego on his most extensive Golden State swing to date.

    “This is the birthplace of the Reagan revolution — and let me tell ya, there’s a new revolution brewing,” Cruz told thousands of supporters at the Hotel Irvine.

    “Just like in 1980, it’s gonna be California that’s gonna decide, California that’s gonna lead the way.”

    This isn’t just idle chatter. To secure the nomination on June 7, Trump will have to win roughly 70 percent of California’s delegates. But the state’s primary is a little quirky — and all those quirks favor the senator from Texas.

    To find out more, Unconventional sat down after the Irvine rally with Mike Schroeder, the former state GOP chairman who’s now serving as Cruz’s political director in California.

    “This is the last stand,” Schroeder said. “This is the battleground. And I think we’re going to win California — but even if we don’t, Trump is not going to get to 70 percent of the vote.”

    Why is Schroeder so confident? First of all, only Republicans can cast ballots on June 7. No independents or Democrats. That’s good for Cruz (who does best with conservatives) and bad for Trump (who does best with moderates).

    Secondly, California is winner-take-all by congressional district (plus three unpledged delegates and an additional 10 that will be awarded to the statewide champ). Not only is this a boon for the most organized candidate; it also blunts the impact of expensive ad buys (contrary to the conventional wisdom about California campaigns).

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    Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz greets supporters at a campaign rally on April 11, 2016, in Irvine, Calif. (Photo: David McNew/Getty Images)

    “It requires a great deal more organization to conduct 53 elections than it does to conduct one statewide and just buy a lot of TV,” Schroeder said. “This is very blue state. So we’ll have some districts with only 5,000 Republican voters. I call them ‘empty districts’: maybe 2,000 voters will decide the result. That’s not even a good-size city council race. And yet you still get the same number of delegates — three — that you would in a district with 240,000 Republicans.”

    The Cruz campaign has been organizing in California for a year. They have thousands of volunteers statewide. And an estimated 65 percent of primary participants are expected to vote early by mail — a process that begins in three weeks. “We’re going to talk to all of these people personally,” Schroeder said.

    “We can pour calls into those empty districts.”

    Also helping Cruz is the fact that the campaigns have to pick their own delegates — 172 of them, plus 172 alternates. The process of identifying six committed Cruz supporters in every single congressional district — including districts where Republicans haven’t really campaigned in decades — wasn’t easy. It took Schroeder five months. But now he’s finished — and the Trump campaign, which just hired a state political director today, is only getting started.

    “It’s been a huge project for me,” Schroeder said. “And they have to file all of those names with the secretary of state on May 7? That’s less than a month from now. If you don’t have those names by May 7, even if you win that district, you don’t get any delegates.”

    On Monday, Trump convention manager Paul Manafort accused the Cruz campaign of using “Gestapo tactics” to earn delegate support. Schroeder chuckled when he heard that.

    “These are the rules,” Schroeder said. “They’re pretty simple. Follow them. Get over it. Stop whining.”

    In California, he and Cruz could have the last laugh.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    What a disgusting system. Who knew until Trump exposed this sham? And we all wonder why we're in the mess we're in. Geez. This primary delegate process is certainly a big part of why we never get a President who works for the people of the United States. Holy Moly.

    Thank you Donald J Trump for exposing this delegates problem, which is a major problem for our poor beleaguered country.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    It isn't a new system.

    All previous candidates have had the same system.

    Why suddenly does Trump need a new system?

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Why do you think it's Trump who needs a new system? Trump is leading in votes, he's leading in states, and he leading in delegates. I don't see where Trump has a problem.

    What you should have asked was why you posted an article that claims "Cruz scheme to sink Trump in California". Why would California want to sink Trump? Trump who wants to secure the borders, stop illegal immigration and fix our bad trade deals, why would California want to sink Trump? Last poll I saw Trump was leading by at least 7 points in California.

    Does the author really believe that Trump will have a problem finding 344 people in California to be his delegates at the Convention? Really? I mean I understand why it would take a year for Cruz to sign up 344 people in California to be his delegates at the Convention, but I don't think Donald Trump will have any problem finding that many people across all the districts of California to be his delegates and alternate delegates at the convention and file the list by May 7th.

    As to the system, the problems vary with the states. And that's fine if you want to support States Rights and so forth. The problem is it isn't consistent, it varies, it's complicated, in some cases unfair, in some cases tedious, in fact, today I'm thinking the same people who like the income tax like this system.

    The system can have state variants to accommodate whatever peculiarities they believe they have and want STATES RIGHTS to perpetuate, that's fine. But, in this day and age, legal voters of every state should be able to vote in a primary election. Their vote should count by whatever means including through delegates at a convention. And those votes and the delegates should work towards nominating the winner of the most votes in the most states. Otherwise, the delegate system is rewarding losers at the expense of the winners which ultimately defies the will of the voters. In Trump's case because he's winning by a lot, even though he had 17 or 18 opponents, an unprecedented number in my memory, so he's without question the presumptive nominee, he's going to win on the first ballot, he didn't get into this thing to lose, and no one can play Hardball as well as he can when he decides to start the throws, which now he is and that's where we are.

    The media of course is making a hay day out of it and some states are working sleazy shenanigans to accommodate the Establishment's STOP TRUMP, NEVER TRUMP ANYONE BUT TRUMP campaign, another unprecedented maneuver by the Republican Establishment, but hey, that's the way they want to play, then fine. Hardball back at you.

    But a system that accommodates and encourages that is disgusting and needs to be overhauled like NATO to fit the times, desires, wants and needs of American Voters.

    This good ole boy insider's type of system that can strive to overturn the will of the people is going down. 2016 will be its last year, and rightly so. By 2020, there will be a new and improved, much better system, because of Donald J Trump.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy View Post
    . . . Does the author really believe that Trump will have a problem finding 344 people in California to be his delegates at the Convention? . . .

    Cruz, Kasich working California, but Trump hasn't set up shop here

    . . . Trump’s campaign website lists contacts in 28 states, but not for delegate-rich California. The campaign did not respond to requests for comment . . .
    Last edited by JohnDoe2; 04-12-2016 at 09:21 PM.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy View Post
    . . . Why would California want to sink Trump? . . .
    It doesn't say California wants to sink Trump. It says Cruz wants to sink Trump.

    Cruz’s scheme to sink Trump in California

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Right. California doesn't want to sink Trump. So far Trump is leading in California and when he starts campaigning there, he should increase his lead. So Cruz's scheme to sink Trump in California is just another Wiley Coyote ACME scheme.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    I don't think Trump is losing ground. He's got more votes, more states and more delegates than anyone. And in another 2 weeks, he'll have even more votes, more states and more delegates than anyone. Some of these articles are trying to create news where there isn't any.
    Last edited by Judy; 04-13-2016 at 10:57 AM.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
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  10. #10
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    "How Ted Cruz is a Lying Psychopath"......

    "Tricky Ted Cruz Lies More Than Nixon" - Roger Stone.....
    Last edited by artist; 04-13-2016 at 09:27 AM.

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