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  1. #1
    Senior Member dragonfire's Avatar
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    Lehigh Acres, Fl

    curriculum from Mexico has come to Palm Beach County Fla

    Curriculum Update
    By District Administration
    October 2006

    "We're trying to stimulate students to first of all have a connection to the ocean and maybe stimulate them to go after a career in marine science or ocean exploration," says Capt. Philip Renaud, executive director of the foundation that held a similar expedition around the Seychelle Islands in the Indian Ocean eight years ago. "We really feel we need to ingrain the conservation issues in young people."

    The five American schools taking part were mainly magnet or charter schools with marine science programs, including Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia.

    The reasons for the expedition included generating the first wide-scale habitat maps of the islands and conducting specific coral and fish surveys. -AP

    Curriculum Eases Transition for Spanish-Speaking Students
    A curriculum from Mexico has come to Palm Beach County Fla. classrooms this year, thanks to a cooperative program with Mexico's Education Ministry to enable Spanish-speaking students in the county to take more than 600 courses in their native language. Lessons in math, reading, social studies and science are provided on DVDs and through satellite hookups, and the content is also offered to Hispanic family members.

    Palm Beach administrators believe that the program will benefit many of the nearly 19,300 children enrolled in classes in English for speakers of other languages, and the district is aligning the Mexican curriculum with state and local standards. "This is a great service for our kids," says Margarita Pinkos, a senior policy adviser for the U.S. Department of Education, and "hopefully we can disseminate it throughout the country." -OED ... id=940&p=3
    This is page 3 of this site. There is some interesting info on the other pages
    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Molly's Avatar
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    Yes that's what we need is a Curriculum from Mexico in our schools! After all Mexico's education system has educated so many successful indivduals that are making a big difference in their country!

  3. #3
    Senior Member tinybobidaho's Avatar
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    Hmmm, Mexico has been telling us how to run our government, now they're going to run our schools. Unbelievable.
    RIP TinybobIdaho -- May God smile upon you in his domain forevermore.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Saki's Avatar
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    This is very troubling, and I would like to know just what material is being taught in these courses. I don't buy the innocuous-sounding motives behind this, and plan to get together with some activist friends of mine soon to determine if anything like this is being considered in our area. We talked about the possibility of this occurring when the Mexican consulate opened here, as their offices frequently distribute educational materials to public schools in communities where they have a presence.

    The explanations given for these "incursions" sound disingenuous and carry the stench of that devil, the NAU. This is one more insidious development that not only needs to be monitored, but confronted. Otherwise, it will spread like wildfire around the country. It's too bad Reagan didn't succeed in abolishing that abomination, the Dept. of Education.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Rockfish's Avatar
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    From FLA to GA as of 04/01/07
    This is coming from the lack of will to assimilate these foreigners. They should be reading English IN THIS COUNTRY. To some Mexicans, assimilation means to be discriminated against and it really ticks them off. I say deport them. As the song goes..This is my country!
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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    TEXAS - The Lone Star State
    some schools in oregon are doing this also.
    so are schools in austin texas

  7. #7
    Senior Member Rawhide's Avatar
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    This is very suspicious.
    If Messyhole is so big on education how is it that the millions of its citizens that flood OUR country are so ignorant?
    Why are they now so concerned with spanish speaking children in the USA's education?Also odd is that it says its for their hispanic relatives too.Something is definitely wrong here.

    Head 'em up,move 'em out Rawhide!

  8. #8
    Senior Member redpony353's Avatar
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    The explanations given for these "incursions" sound disingenuous and carry the stench of that devil, the NAU.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  9. #9
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    Curriculum Eases Transition for Spanish-Speaking Students
    A curriculum from Mexico has come to Palm Beach County Fla. classrooms this year, thanks to a cooperative program with Mexico's Education Ministry to enable Spanish-speaking students in the county to take more than 600 courses in their native language. Lessons in math, reading, social studies and science are provided on DVDs and through satellite hookups, and the content is also offered to Hispanic family members.

    Palm Beach administrators believe that the program will benefit many of the nearly 19,300 children enrolled in classes in English for speakers of other languages, and the district is aligning the Mexican curriculum with state and local standards. "This is a great service for our kids," says Margarita Pinkos, a senior policy adviser for the U.S. Department of Education, and "hopefully we can disseminate it throughout the country." -OED
    I guarantee that the teachers are adamantly against this, because I know a lot of them. In Florida, many of them who knew that I was actively working to get our immigration laws enforced used to thank me. I even got thank you cards!! They are forcing this down the teacher's throats as well.

    Parents and teachers all over America must STAND UP AND SAY NO.

    Our children's curriculum will be decided by US, the parents

    School boards are among the worst at "dictating" to us how things will be.

    Parents must stand up to these school boards and let them know WHO is in charge when it comes to OUR children.

    Just because they deal with "children" they feel they have the right to be very authoritive about everything.


    Our school boards are out of line and out of control. Every parent must join the PTA, but that's just a start. We need to attend the school board meetings and even if you don't have a child in school, you have a right to attend.

    Stop allowing your school board to treat YOU like a child.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    I'm all for the students respecting the teachers and I back that philosophy all the way. 100%.

    99.9% of the time I will side with the teacher.

    But the school boards are drunk with power. They are left-wing, authoritative, and they make decisions based on their own left-wing tendencies and they need to bring themselves back in line with the AMERICAN PARENT and TEACHER and our values and expectations for our children, not theirs.
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